Peace Corps | A career gateway for post-grad students
Life-changing experiences await for the creative, adventurous and resilient The mission of the Peace Corps is to promote world peace and friendship. It was founded by John F. Kennedy in 1961. The Peace Corps program amplifies the power of human connection in more than 60 countries around the world. Americans apply to one of the six sectors — education, agriculture, environment, community economic development, health and youth in development — that they specialize in. The Peace Corps provides about two months of training before you are living side by side with a foreign community, exchanging knowledge and culture and working on prioritized projects. Here are 10 reasons Peace Corps post-grad is beneficial: 1.Free program that provides benefits The Peace Corps supports you financially your entire journey. They pay for travel and include an accommodation upon your return of $10,000 to help get back on your feet after two years of volunteering . . .
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Let me know if advising young lawyers on how to Poverty-Law reform in Zambia would qualify for this program? RGrimsrud