
Musaphe Mbalame (Don’t kill the birds!), a jingle by Jack Allison (Malawi 1966-69)

Musaphe Mbalame (Don’t kill the birds!), a jingle by Jack Allison (Malawi 1966-69)

I have the good fortune to serve on the board of directors of Developing Radio Partners. Recently the Malawi government has been airing spots on the radio in an effort to combat an increasing incidence of malaria. The attached song has now become part of that campaign. I wrote/recorded this song 56 years ago during my three-year tour as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi. Quite honestly, back in the day, the song was not only popular, it also had a modest positive effect on increasing awareness of the ways to fight malaria. The gist of the song: Don’t kill the birds in Malawi because the birds eat the mosquitoes that give people malaria. E. Jackson Allison, Jr. MD/MPH, FACEP, FACPM Asheville, North Carolina RPCV Malawi, 1966-69 Virtual Service Project Participant (VSPP), US Peace Corps/South Africa, 2022 Author: The Warm Heart of Africa: An Outrageous Adventure of Love, Music, and . . .

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Songs — — from experiences knowing the languages of flowers and waves under which great ships sailed, floundered, and sank at San Francisco shores and the Golden Gates at the rocks there where the seals would bark in the nights — Van Rijn, Obidiah, Doug, Margaret Back Time Comes Forward Sea Songs Slumber In A Morning At Sea Acceptance Speech Back Even Before The Time Of Set To The San Francisco Mint On A Lonely Road Peace Corps History Drifts Word Thumb • • • l. VAN RIJN, OBIDIAH, DOUG, MARGARET Cats may have no intentions. Except for her eyes, Obidiah is white as the commode bowl. Van Rijn, smaller than Doug’s boot, is black.  That boot has great intentions. When Margaret sees Van Rijn she’ll say she ‘loves’ him. Large word: ‘love’. Margaret’s no mapmaker. She wanders that country. Doug ‘digs’ the oceans. Margaret will come back, pass out of range, . . .

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