Provincetown Art Association Features First Peace Corps Photographer: Rowland Scherman
Award-winning photographer Rowland Scherman’s work from ’60s exhibited in Provincetown Provincetown Art Association and Museum (PAAM) began its 2022 Summer Program of exhibitions, lectures and workshops with an exhibition of photographs by Rowland Scherman. “Rowland Scherman: Spirit of the 60s,” curated by Jane Paradise and Andy Wentz, is on view through June 26 with a public celebratory reception from 6-8 p.m. Friday, May 13. A Fredi Schiff Levin Lecture featuring Scherman, Paradise, and Wentz is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, June 16. Lectures will occur in-person at PAAM and broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube. Scherman was a pivotal figure in documenting life in the 1960s. He photographed many of the iconic musical, cultural and political events of the decade, including the 1963 Newport Folk Festival, the March on Washington, the Beatles’ first US concert, and Woodstock. He traveled with Bobby Kennedy on his campaign for the presidency, went on tour with Judy . . .
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