Tim Hickey (Tanzania) leaves behind a great legacy in the world of track and field
Garrard Conley (Ukraine) — author of BOY ERASED winner of a Macdowell Fellowship
Building the Transcaucasian Trail (Georgia)
2023 Winner of the Peace Corps Writers‘ Maria Thomas Award for Best Fiction
RPCV Author Guy Biederman (Guatemala)
RPCV Suzanne McCormick (Thailand) New President & CEO, YMCA
Paul Newman (Nigeria) | Authority on the Hausa Language
Artist David Fox (Ethiopia)
SILENT LIGHT | A new novel by Mark Jacobs (Paraguay)
The Double Education of My Twins’ Chinese School by Peter Hessler (China)
Understanding the Reasons Peace Corps Volunteers ET
THAT’S MY MOON OVER COURT STREET by Jan Worth-Nelson (Tonga)
White Cloud Free by Peter Michael Johnson (Paraguay)
PCIA National Meeting (Iran)

Tim Hickey (Tanzania) leaves behind a great legacy in the world of track and field

A note from George Brose (Tanzania 1965-67)   “Tim Hickey passed away.  He was a Tanzania Peace Corps (1965-67). A very respected track and field coach and taught 30 years in Philadelphia public schools. Probably responsible for over 40 inner city girls getting college scholarships. Tim was also director of the high school division of the Penn Relays for many years.”     By Napoleon F. Kingcade For more than three decades, Tim Hickey was a nationally known figure in the world of track and field. He took the William Penn High girls track program and built them into a national powerhouse. Hickey died June 24 at the age of 80. Born and raised in Indiana, Hickey participated in track programs at Parker High School and Ball State University. After he graduated from college, he spent three years in the Peace Corps in South Africa, where he coached the Tanzanian . . .

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Garrard Conley (Ukraine) — author of BOY ERASED winner of a Macdowell Fellowship

Garrard Conley |Assistant Professor of Creative Writing   Garrard Conley (Ukraine 2007-10) has been awarded a prestigious MacDowell Fellowship that he will engage in during two weeks in late September 2023. Adding his name to a list that includes one of his literary heroes, James Baldwin, Conley’s name can now be found among illustrious artists such as Willa Cather, Leonard Bernstein, and Nell Painter, all of whom are past recipients. Conley expressed his shock and gratitude at becoming a MacDowell Fellowship recipient saying, “I was so thrilled that I almost didn’t even have a reaction. I didn’t know what to do.” He started applying for this fellowship when he was 21 and had been applying every eligible year since “thinking, there’s no way I’ll ever get in, but I’m just going to do it.” The MacDowell Fellowship was established in 1907 by Marian and Edward MacDowell and was initially funded . . .

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  A Fortuitous Partnership that launched India’s Modern Poultry & Egg Production Industry by John Chromy (India 1963-65)   INTRODUCTION Sometimes it seems the “stars align in their courses.” And so it happened in the 1960s when a series of factors came together. The Government of India was committed to improving life in its 600,000 villages through a nation-wide Community Development and Agriculture Extension program. India’s Health and Nutrition officials recognized the need to infuse protein into the diet of the majority of the people. There existed a kernel of awareness among the agricultural and animal husbandry officers that the techniques of modern poultry production (hybrid chicken strains, enclosed poultry houses, nutritious feed) might be adapted to the India setting and had the potential to produce protein rich eggs and meat on an enhanced scale. Within the Community Development and Agriculture Extension program there was a very limited number of . . .

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Building the Transcaucasian Trail (Georgia)

Building the Transcaucasian Trail in Khutsubani, Georgia “I taught English in a public school in a small village in Georgia. I also wrote and received a grant from USAID to build a library at the school and helped direct a nationwide environmental awareness project.” Paul Stephens (Georgia 2005-07) Paul Stephens remembers the first time he explored the Caucasus Mountains, a place he calls “one of the most biologically, culturally, and linguistically diverse regions in the world.” After his graduation from Wabash, Paul moved to Georgia in 2005 as a Peace Corps Volunteer. When he wasn’t teaching English, the Batesville, Indiana, native would lace up his boots, load up a backpack, and spend hours hiking — an activity he’s enjoyed since he was a kid. “I’ve always been an outdoorsman, curious about the world around me,” Paul said, recalling family trips to the Great Smoky Mountains he shared with his brother, . . .

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2023 Winner of the Peace Corps Writers‘ Maria Thomas Award for Best Fiction

The World Against Her Skin: A Son’s Novel  John Thorndike (El Salvador 1967-68) The World Against Her Skin is an extraordinary work, written by a mature, highly published author. John Thorndike defines his book as a “Son’s Novel,” a hybrid memoir/novel or “biographical novel.” It is his endeavor to know his mother, as he openly states in his “Author’s Note, “I want to know everything about my mother,” especially the secrets that were kept from him as her son. He inhabits this woman character in order to know her. His are the height of literary goals; find truth through your imagination, cross boundaries through sympathy and empathy, and do it because you need to for survival. It beautifully flies in the face of current stricture to only write what you can know as determined by your gender, race, ethnicity, class and so on. Thorndike completely succeeds in capturing feelings that many . . .

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RPCV Author Guy Biederman (Guatemala)

“I began writing as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala as a form of self-defense. The goat herder’s shack where I lived had been built out of green planks by an American Baha’i. When the wood dried, huge gaps appeared in the walls. Poetry became my wallpaper and my insulation. Over the years I’ve often wondered whether writing has gotten me into more jams than it has gotten me out of.” Guy Biederman (Guatemala 1981-82) is the author of six collections of short work, including his most recent, Translated From The Original: One-inch Punch Fiction from Nomadic Press, and 300 of his stories and poems have appeared in literary journals such as Carve, MacQueen’s Quinterly, great weather for MEDIA, Flashback Fiction, and Exposition Review, where he was twice a winner in their Flash 405 contests. His work has received a Publisher’s Choice Award, an Editor’s Choice Award, nominations for Best . . .

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RPCV Suzanne McCormick (Thailand) New President & CEO, YMCA

“I made a special stop to visit my friends at the Peace Corps office in DC today. My career of service really began with my three years with the Peace Corps teaching English in Thailand. A lot has changed since then, but I carry that experience and the lessons I learned with me to this day.”   Suzanne McCormick is the 15th person and first woman to lead YMCA of the USA (Y-USA), the national resource office for the Y — a leading nonprofit committed to strengthening community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Collectively, the nation’s YMCAs engage 11 million members — 4 million of whom are under the age of 18 — annually. Suzanne became President and CEO of Y-USA in September 2021. She has 27 years of experience as a local and national executive leader in the nonprofit sector, most recently as U.S. President of . . .

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Paul Newman (Nigeria) | Authority on the Hausa Language

Paul Newman (Nigeria 1961-63) is the world’s foremost authority on the Hausa language. He is also an attorney with special interest in the intersection of language and law. He was a member of the first Peace Corps group to go to Nigeria back in 1961. He has held academic positions at Yale, Bayero University Kano, University of Leiden, and Indiana University. He has published over 20 books and was the founding editor of the Journal of African Languages.     Distinguished Professor Emeritus Paul Newman received his B.A. (Philosophy) and M.A. (Anthropology) from the University of Pennsylvania, and his Ph.D. (Linguistics) from UCLA (1967). Newman also has a law degree (J.D., summa cum laude, 2003) from Indiana University. He is a member of the Indiana Bar. He has held academic and administrative positions at Yale University, Abdullahi Bayero College (now Bayero University Kano), Nigeria; University of Leiden, The Netherlands, and . . .

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Artist David Fox (Ethiopia)

David Fox (Ethiopia 1965-67) is a self-taught artist who has been drawing most of his life. He works in oils, watercolors, and pen and ink and has won several awards for his oils and acrylics. While serving in the Peace Corps, David lived in Ethiopia. His travels and his interactions with the Ethiopian people have served as a lifelong source of inspiration for his figure studies and landscapes. David is well known for his three-dimensional views of major American cities. This series, which includes Boston, Chicago, Lower Manhattan, New Orleans, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Washington D.C., has earned him international recognition. More recently, David has created architectural sketch coloring books of New York and Philadelphia, which include line drawings of iconic landmarks of these two major cities. David has also authored a coloring book of the Borough of Narberth, depicting life in small-town USA. Prints of David’s watercolors are available at the Philadelphia Museum of Art . . .

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SILENT LIGHT | A new novel by Mark Jacobs (Paraguay)

  Silent Light by Mark Jacobs (Paraguay 1978-80) OB Books October 2023 340 pages $18.95 (Paperback)   At the start of Mark Jacob’s remarkable new novel ― his first book in thirteen years ― thirty-seven-year-old Smith wins a “stash” of diamonds in a poker game. The only catch: he has to find them. A Louisiana native, Smith is currently employed on an oil platform off the west coast of Africa, while the diamonds are somewhere in the immense, war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo. But Smith’s grown tired of the platform and he hates the idea of wasting a full house. One last adventure, he tells himself, and then, diamonds or no diamonds, he’s heading home to Louisiana. In Kinshasa, Smith meets a young woman named Béatrice, who hails from a village on the other side of the country. But this village, she tells Smith, is where his diamonds are . . .

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The Double Education of My Twins’ Chinese School by Peter Hessler (China)

The current New Yorker, (July 3, 2023) has an article by Peter Hessler (China 1996-98) entitled ” A Double Education” on getting his twins daughters into school in China.  He writes how education in the US and China are “two disparate systems, despite a history of mutual influence.” Heller’s article goes back to the end of the nineteenth century when John Dewey, “the American philosopher and educator, had pioneered the concept of the experimental, or laboratory, school.”

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Understanding the Reasons Peace Corps Volunteers ET

While most Volunteers successfully complete their assignments, some do leave before the designated end date. This blog explores the reasons behind Peace Corps Volunteers’ early departures and shed light on the challenges they may face during their service. 1. Personal Health and Safety Concerns: One of the primary reasons Peace Corps volunteers may choose to leave their posts is due to personal health and safety concerns. Volunteers may experience physical or mental health issues that require medical attention beyond the capabilities of their host country. In some cases, the political situation in the country of service may deteriorate, exposing volunteers to heightened risks, such as civil unrest or natural disasters. 2. Incompatibility with the Host Community: Cultural adjustment can be a significant challenge for Peace Corps volunteers. Cultural differences, language barriers, and unfamiliar living conditions may lead to feelings of isolation and frustration. Some volunteers may find it difficult to . . .

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THAT’S MY MOON OVER COURT STREET by Jan Worth-Nelson (Tonga)

  That’s My Moon Over Court Street: Dispatches from a Life in Flint by Jan Worth-Nelson (Tonga 1976-78) SemiColonPress June 2023 453 pages $18.00 (Paperback)   “Every city has its issues, but there is always more to the story. In this collection from Flint, Michigan’s venerable East Village Magazine from 2007 to 2022, Jan Worth-Nelson (Tonga 1976-78) describes in personable, compelling prose what she observed, mourned, bemoaned, cherished and celebrated in one of the country’s most beleaguered cities. She lingers on nuthatches and drag queen bingo. She explores attics and basements and the Midwestern backyard. She laments burned out houses and broken Buddhas. She falls in love with the chicken lady, the pipe king, and pineapple upside down cake at the local Masonic hall. Out of respect for the unfinished stories to come, she bares her forearm for a semicolon tattoo. She struggles with sleeplessness and takes blessed walks. Through an . . .

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White Cloud Free by Peter Michael Johnson (Paraguay)

  White Cloud Free by Peter Michael Johnson (Paraguay 2002-04) V Press LC Publisher 160 pages July 2023 $11.99 (Kindle); $16.97 (Paperback) • White Cloud Free is a story of love and friendship, betrayal and loss, miracles, and memory. Set mostly in Latin America, it is a semi-autobiographical tale of an idealistic, naive Peace Corps volunteer who suffers a series of traumas abroad, leading to unlikely friendships with a semi-homeless 12-year-old boy, an ambitious transexual sex worker, and an eccentric Catholic priest. At 23, Peter has enlisted in the Peace Corps and finds himself teaching beekeeping in a tiny village in Paraguay. When a lynch mob kills several people in his local village after a disagreement over harvest proceeds, Peter flees with his 12-year-old homeless friend in search of safety — taking him through an indigenous community, a Mennonite colony, a squatters camp, and finally the lawless, chaotic city of . . .

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PCIA National Meeting (Iran)

  June 5, 2023 Steve Gottlieb (Iran 1965-67) • My wife and I met years ago when we both served in the United States Peace Corps in Iran. There have been no American Peace Corps Volunteers in Iran since 1976. Peace Corps Volunteers got to know a wide segment of the Iranian population, as we do everywhere, realized trouble was brewing and Peace Corps officials pulled them out. Here in Albany we’ve been part of a group of former Peace Corps Volunteers who’ve served in all parts of the world. We meet monthly, share a pot luck dinner, provide a forum for newly returned Volunteers, and listen intently to news about goings on in the many countries where we used to serve and the many organizations who work with people there and with immigrants from those countries here. A few years ago my wife was asked to become president of . . .

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