Review of George W. Norton's (Colombia 1971-73) Hunger and Hope
Hunger and Hope by George W. Norton (Colombia 1971–73) Waveland Press, Inc. 179 pages $18.95 (paperback), $9.99 (Kindle) 2014 Reviewed by Ronald A Schwarz (Colombia 1961–63) In 1961 Sargent Shriver relentlessly cornered members of Congress to establish the Peace Corps. His assets were vision, passion, charm and chutzpah. If he returned to the agency today, he would have other tools in his box. One of the most useful would be Hunger and Hope by George W. Norton. In the early 1970s, George and his wife Marj were volunteers with the Coffee Federation in Colombia. Later he earned a doctorate in Agricultural Economics and began his career as a professor, international consultant and author (his list of scientific publications covers 20 pages). Hunger and Hope addresses the complex factors related to poverty, hunger and agricultural development in a readable and deeply personal manner. Anecdotes drawn from Norton’s Peace Corps years complement . . .
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Leo Cecchini
I would like to hear Wentling's, Schwarz' and Norton's views on foreign leasing of agricultural lands in Africa, e.g. the…