What do you wish Americans knew about your Peace Corps country?
I got an e-mail today from the Peace Corps’ lovely and talented Eileen Conoboy (Mali 1995-97), Director of Office of Third Goal and Returned Volunteer Services. She wrote that her Third Goal office had put together the Agency’s first video challenge for this year’s Peace Corps Week. They asked one simple question: What do you wish Americans knew about your Peace Corps country? Eileen wrote, “We received 80 video submissions from RPCVs and PCVs representing 40 countries. Together, these videos have already received 25,000 views on YouTube and are shedding a light on unique global perspectives and cultural windows opened through the Peace Corps experience. Congratulations to our first place winner, Peace Corps Volunteer David Malana, who is being sent an iPad in recognition of his winning video, Kyrgyzstan Is Me. We hope this will help him continue to support Peace Corps’ Third Goal and complement his efforts as a cultural ambassador. . . .
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So far, I have seen four of the videos. They are truly as informative as they are beautiful. But I…