New Fiction From John Givens
John Givens (Korea 1967-69) has a story in The Mississippi Review currently online at The Mississippi Review is published by the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi. The story is about a rogue samurai solving problems in the 17th century entitled, “The Buddha-nature of the House: John is from Northern California and earned his BA in English literature at the California State University Fresno and his MFA in creative writing at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, University of Iowa, where he was a Teaching/Writing Fellow. [John is one of many fine Peace Corps writers who attended the famous Iowa writing program. The RPCV writers include Phil Damon (Ethiopia 1963-65), who, I believe, was the first RPCV in the program, Richard Wiley (Korea 1967-69), and most recently Matt Davis (Mongolia 2001-03).] Afterwards John studied language and art in Kyoto for four years, then worked as a writer & editor in Tokyo for . . .
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