Author - John Coyne

A Writer Writes: The Path by Gigi Grover-York (India 1964-66)
Tony D'Souza Answers Book Review Slam of His Home Town
Thurston Clarke (Tunisia 1968) New Book: JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and The Emergence of a Great President
RPCV Chase Adam (Costa Rica 2010-11) Third Goal Achievement
Star Review in PW for Laurence Leamer's (Nepal 1964-66) The Price of Justice
Early Director to Philippines, Dr. Lawrence Fuchs, Dies at 86
Review of Laurence Leamer's (Nepal 1964-66)The Price of Justice
Front Page of NYTIMES–Self Publishing
Mad Men & Women at the Peace Corps
Review — VOLUNTEERS IN THE AFRICAN BUSH by David Read Barker (Sierra Leone)
More About The Mad Men and Women of the Peace Corps
Chic Dambach (Colombia 1967-69) Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow
Mad Man Harris Wofford 87 Today
Jack Niedenthal (Marshall Islands 1981-84) Writer & Film Maker
Review of Julian Wldon Martin's (Nigeria 1961-63) Imagonna: Peace Corps Memories

A Writer Writes: The Path by Gigi Grover-York (India 1964-66)

A Writer Writes THE PATH By Gigi Grover -York (India 1964-66) Despite the half century and the thousands of miles that separate my Oregon home from the Gundi ashram, I still retrace my way over the distant but familiar earthen path that led from the ashram to the train station at the village of Gundi, perched on the edge of the Kutch Desert in western India. That narrow raised track, no more than a meter wide and half a meter high, ran south from its tether at the broad wooden gate that breached the ashram’s thick whitewashed walls. I never thought much about who built the path.  It was a constant like the air and sky.  Surely someone maintained it but I never observed them.  It lay there when I came and had changed not at all upon my departure. The powder fine dust of the path had been deposited . . .

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Tony D'Souza Answers Book Review Slam of His Home Town

[This is the opening of the lead book review in the recent issue of the NYTIMES Sunday edition. The review was written by Rachel Shteir. It appeared last Sunday. Chicagoan, and RPCV novelist, Tony D’Souza (Ivory Coast 2000-02, Madagascar 2002-03), sent his reply to the editor of the Book Section. Read those paragraphs of the review and you’ll see why Tony send a Letter to the Editor. Check it out. The message is: don’t mess with a Chicago writer!] Published: April 21, 2013 RACHEL SHTEIR wrote: “Poor Chicago,” a friend of mine recently said. Given the number of urban apocalypses here, I couldn’t tell which problem she was referring to. Was it the Cubs never winning? The abominable weather? Meter parking costing more than anywhere else in America – up to $6.50 an hour – with the money flowing to a private company, thanks to the ex-mayor Richard M. Daley’s . . .

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Thurston Clarke (Tunisia 1968) New Book: JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and The Emergence of a Great President

Thurston Clarke (Tunisia 1968) who served briefly as a PCV has a book coming in August 2013. It will be his 11th, and his third book on the Kennedy brothers. It is entitled: JFK’s Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and The Emergence of a Great President. In this book, Thurston weaves together Kennedy’s public and private lives, explains why the grief following his assassination has endured so long, and solves the most tantalizing Kennedy mystery of all–not who killed him but who Kennedy was when he was killed, and where he would have led us. Clarke picks up Kennedy’s last hundred days that began just after the death of two-day-old Patrick Kennedy. While Jackie was recuperating, the premature infant and his father were flown to Boston for Patrick’s treatment. Kennedy was holding his son’s hand when Patrick died on August 9, 1963. The loss of his son convinced . . .

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RPCV Chase Adam (Costa Rica 2010-11) Third Goal Achievement

[Thanks to Mary-Ann Tirone Smith (Cameroon 1965-67) who mentioned this New York Times article that I had missed. Here it is. Another RPCV doing great Third Goal work on his own.] Jim Wilson/The New York Times Chase Adam, 26, a former Peace Corps volunteer, is the founder of Watsi. By NICOLE LaPORTE, The New York Times April 13, 2013 TWO YEARS AGO, Chase Adam, a Peace Corps volunteer in Costa Rica, was riding a bus through a town called Watsi, when a woman got on board asking for money. Her son, she said, needed medical attention and she couldn’t pay for it. As the woman walked through the bus, she showed people a copy of her son’s medical record. Mr. Adam, who is now 26, noticed that nearly everyone donated money. Watsi raised money for Chenda, top, a 1-year-old boy in Cambodia, who badly burned his hand. Nuro, 11, of . . .

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Star Review in PW for Laurence Leamer's (Nepal 1964-66) The Price of Justice

Publisher’s Weekly in their March 18,2013, carried a starred review of The Price of Justice: A True Story of Greed and Corruption Leamer’s newest is the riveting and compulsively readable tale of the epic battle between Don Blankenship, the man who essentially ran the West Virginia coal industry through his company Massey Energy, and two seemingly ordinary attorneys: Bruce Stanley and David Fawcett.  The centerpiece of the story is a West Virginia mine owner whom Blankenship purposefully bankrupted and on whose behalf Stanley and Fawcett won(in 2002) a $50 million verdict that is still unpaid.  In hope of having the ruling overturned by the West Virginia Supreme Court, Blankenship sought to “buy” a seat on the court by contributing over $3 million to the successful campaign of a conservative judicial candidate.  However, the U.S. Supreme Court eventually found the Blankenship’s contributions were too much to allow the new West Virginia . . .

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Early Director to Philippines, Dr. Lawrence Fuchs, Dies at 86

[I received this email from Marcia Kauffman Krasnow saying that Lawrence Fuchs, the first Peace Corps Director in the Philippines, has died. Fuchs in 1961-62 had one third of all the Volunteers in the world. It was the largest Peace Corps country. Philippines, in fact, was the test-case for Warren Wiggins paper, The Towering Task, the original document that Shriver used to create the agency. Following is Ms. Krasnow’s email to me, and the death notice about Professor Fuchs.] Dear John Coyne, I enjoyed meeting you at the 50th Anniversary events in Washington, D. C.  I am the daughter of the late Dr. Joseph F. Kauffman who was the first Chief of the Peace Corps Division of Training at the Peace Corps Headquarters in Washington, D.C. (1961-63) Both Prof. Fuchs and my father (Dean of Students) were at Brandeis University (outside of Boston) prior to serving in leadership positions in the Peace Corps.  . . .

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Review of Laurence Leamer's (Nepal 1964-66)The Price of Justice

The Price of Justice: A True Story of Greed and Corruption Laurence Leamer (Nepal 1964–66) Times Books 412 Pages $30.00 (hardcover); $14.99 (Kindle) May 2013 Reviewed by Tony D’Souza (Ivory Coast 2000–02, Madagascar 2002–03) COAL HAS LONG BEEN A METAPHOR in our culture for the dark seed inside the greedy soul; the color of it, its hardness, all that compressed, combustible power. The pits where it’s dug are among our most basic conceptions of hell. “It’s dark as a dungeon,” Johnny Cash sings in his song of the same name, “damp as the dew/danger is double/pleasures are few/It’s dark as a dungeon way down in the mine.” Larry Leamer in his new book, The Price of Justice: A True Story of Greed and Corruption, discovers something even darker; the heart of a West Virginia coal executive whose lust for union busting, corporate expansion and profit leads to the deaths of . . .

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Front Page of NYTIMES–Self Publishing

[This piece on self publishing and the link between authors and agents is a must read for writers. The agent mention, Trident, is my literary agency so I had particular interest in the piece.] April 16, 2013 New Publisher Authors Trust: Themselves By LESLIE KAUFMAN When the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and author David Mamet released his last book, “The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture,” with the Sentinel publishing house in 2011, it sold well enough to make the New York Times best-seller list. This year, when Mr. Mamet set out to publish his next one, a novella and two short stories about war, he decided to take a very different path: he will self-publish. Mr. Mamet is taking advantage of a new service being offered by his literary agency, ICM Partners, as a way to assume more control over the way his book is promoted. “Basically I . . .

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Mad Men & Women at the Peace Corps

I got an email the other day from David Raphael who was a college student back in 1962 and worked as an intern at the Peace Corps HQ.  My piece on Nan McEvoy got him thinking about the ‘other’ women in the building when he arrived in Washington from Antioch College in the summer of ’62. He was assigned to the Africa Regional Office and worked with, he said, two real power houses: Cynthia Courtney, English-speaking Africa Division Director, and Francesca Gobi, French-speaking Africa Division Director. David said that these women, and others in the Africa Regional Office, were all recruited from the Africa American Institute (AAI), which years later was exposed by Ramparts magazine as being a CIA front. Little did we know! I met Cynthia Courtney in the late summer of ’62 when I returned from Ethiopia and went to work in the Office of Volunteer Services (DVS). Cynthia was one of the . . .

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Review — VOLUNTEERS IN THE AFRICAN BUSH by David Read Barker (Sierra Leone)

  Volunteers in the African Bush:  Memoirs from Sierra Leone Edited by David Read Barker (Sierra Leone 1965–67) Dog Ear Publishing $15.00 (paperback); $3.99 (Kindle) 163 pages 2013 Reviewed by Andy Trincia (Romania 2002–04) When I was an aspiring young writer — at about age 10 — I decided that I was going to write my first novel and set it in Sierra Leone. I spun my metal globe and that’s where my finger landed. Besides, it was a cool name for a country. I still haven’t written that novel, nor been to Sierra Leone, though I have read memoirs about Ivory Coast and Liberia. That distant memory made me smile when I had a chance to read Volunteers in the African Bush:  Memoirs from Sierra Leone. The book’s editor, David Read Barker, had a lingering question in his head. He wondered if he and his fellow Peace Corps Volunteers . . .

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More About The Mad Men and Women of the Peace Corps

Years ago, inspired by the television program Man Men, I began to do an occasional blog about the early founders of the agency, who I nicknamed, The Mad Men and Women of the Peace Corps. And indeed they were, back then in the early Sixties. From time to time I’d get comments from later PCVs, words to the effect that I get over it Coyne! Those days are long gone. Indeed they are. Still I’m going to document the people, the lives, and the times, as best I can, of those early years of the agency when everyone, and I mean everyone, didn’t give the Peace Corps a chance to survive, let alone thrive and be around so that they–later day PCVs–might have a chance to join an organization that would change their lives, and organization that today is something like Mom’s Apple Pie in the eyes of most Americans. So, keep quiet. I have more to say about . . .

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Chic Dambach (Colombia 1967-69) Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow

The current issue of The Council of Independent Colleges newsletter, Independent has an article entitled, “Campuses Reap Benefits of Hosting Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows.” In Woodrow Wilson’s current impressive list of Fellows is a senior executive of the Coca-Cola company, a former U.S. ambassador to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and ‘the former chief of staff for a U.S. Representative from California, our own Charles “Chic” Dambach (Colombia 1967-69). In a brief paragraph on the “Fellows” the article states: “Charles “Chic” Dambach’s wide-ranging career includes serving as chief of staff for U.S. Representative John Garamendi (D-CA) (Ethiopia 1966-68) and six years as president and CEO of the Alliance for Peacebuilding, during which he established a network of organizations and professionals to help built sustainable peace and security worldwide. Previously, Dambach restructured and revitalized the National Peace Corps Association, where his career began as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Colombia. He . . .

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Mad Man Harris Wofford 87 Today

One of the original Mad Men of the Peace Corps, Harris Wofford, is 87 today. Wofford was the first person Sarge Shriver called when President Kennedy asked Shriver to establish a “Peace Corps” in the days after JFK became president. A year later, Harris would leave the White House, where he was  Special Assistant to the President on civil right, to become the first CD in Ethiopia, as well as, Shriver’s Peace Corps Representative in Africa. After two full years in Addis Ababa, Harris returned to Washington as the Associate Peace Corps Director. In the years before the Peace Corps, he was many things, including an early civil rights leader and advisor to Martin Luther King, all of which is describes in his book, Of Kennedy & Kings, that detailed his work with the Kennedys, the Peace Corps, and Dr. King.  After the Peace Corps, Harris would go onto be president of  two colleges, and later the Senator . . .

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Jack Niedenthal (Marshall Islands 1981-84) Writer & Film Maker

Jack Niedenthal’s first six years in the Marshall Islands were all spent in the isolated jungles of the outer islands. He was a Peace Corps Volunteer on Namu Atoll from 1981 to 1984. He then contracted to work with the Bikini Council on Kili Island from 1984 through late 1986 teaching English to the adults, teaching in the elementary school and working with the Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government Council. In 1987 he assumed the duties of the Trust Liaison for the People of Bikini, which includes the management and coordination of the funds allocated by the United States government to compensate the Bikinians for their suffering and to facilitate the radiological cleanup of Bikini Atoll. He acts as a liaison for the Council to the media, the U.S. government and its various agencies, the scientists who work on Bikini, the Bikini Council’s attorney, trustees, money managers, construction companies, engineers, project managers, . . .

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Review of Julian Wldon Martin's (Nigeria 1961-63) Imagonna: Peace Corps Memories

Imagonna: Peace Corps Memories by Julian Weldon Martin (Nigeria 1961–63) Createspace $10.00 (paperback) 240 pages 2012 Reviewed by John F. Fanselow (Nigeria 1961–63; Somalia staff 1966–68) When I read a book for a review I put post-its on pages that I want to return to after I finish reading the book. After reading the first twenty pages of Julian’s memories, I noticed,  that I had pasted post-its on every other page! As I read on, I kept pasting post-its, not only on every other page, but in some cases also on every page. I was unable to highlight important points and unimportant points because I found that each page contained worthwhile insights or questions, or both. While Julian repeats some themes — loneliness, the racism of some colleagues and his headmaster, his curiosity about the culture of his students and those in his community, limitations of his Peace Corps training, . . .

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