The Peace Corps' Greatest Volunteers:Cuero de Paz
I know I can generate a lot of ‘comments’ and ‘Com’on Coyne!’ complaints by picking out Volunteers who really did an amazing job overseas. Yes, we all did amazing jobs! However, there are many, many PCVs who away from their APCDs, or any host country attention, did wondrous working as teachers, nurses, community development workers in the barrios of Latin America, or digging fish ponds in Africa. Whatever! We all knew one or two Super Vols in our programs. Some of us, perhaps, were Super Vols. Still, on the national level, over the 50 plus years of the agency, there are several moments when the world as a whole paused and for a moment at least nodded in agreement and thought: ‘yes, this is what the Peace Corps is all about.’ One such moment occurred early on in Nigeria at the University of Ibadan when Trainee Maragery Michelmore dropped a . . .
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Leo Cecchini
I too salute those brave PCVs in "La Republica." But I would ask, what would have been the reaction among…