Harper Voyager Reading Unagented Manuscripts For Two Weeks Only

Our RPCV Publishing Guru Jason Boog (Guatemala 2000-02) reports on  Galleycat: The First Word on the Book Publishing Industry  that Harper Voyager, HarperCollins’ science fiction and fantasy imprint, is now accepting complete and unagented manuscripts for two weeks.

Jason Boog, Editor

Jason Boog, Editor

From October 1 until October 14, authors from around the world can send their manuscripts through special submission portal. You can find all the submission details at: http://harpervoyagerbooks.com/harper-voyager-submission-form/.

Here’s more from the publisher:

The manuscripts will then be read and those most suited to the global Harper Voyager list will be selected jointly by editors in the USA, UK and Australia.  Accepted submissions will benefit from the full publishing process: accepted manuscripts will be edited; and the finished titles will receive online marketing and sales support in World English markets. Voyager will be seeking an array of adult and young adult speculative fiction for digital publication, but particularly novels written in the epic fantasy, science urban fantasy, horror, dystopia and supernatural genres.

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