“Tonight’s the night . . . ” — Alana DeJoseph (Mali)

. . . for you to stream the Virtual Cinema premiere of director Alana DeJoseph’s (Mali 1992–94) wonderful movie:

A Towering Task: The Story of the Peace Corps

via  60 theaters around the country.

It’s easy to watch:

  1. Choose a theater closest to you on the Playdates page.
  2. Then click on “Ticket” to rent the film for three days. The ticket price is $10.
  3. Half of the proceeds go to the theater to help keep them alive during the COVID closure!

Watch the trailer NOW.


A Towering Task puts a human face on the Peace Corps – and
makes sense
of its history of idealism, improvisation and politics.
It is the most coherent and satisfying documentary
I know of the Peace Corps, and I can’t imagine a better one.
The film is enlightening, too, for being in large part the portrait
of a period when America was outward looking and uncynical
and generous…it shows the roots of such idealism,
which is why it is so enlightening and uplifting.”
— Paul Theroux (Malawi 1963–65)
Travel Writer & Novelist

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