'Peace comes from Marine Corps, not Peace Corps' says former Congressman Allen West at CPAC 2013:
Beginning at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday morning, former congressman Allen West of Florida was the alarm clock for the enthusiastic Conservative Political Action Conference-2013 attendees.

Retired Lt. Colonel West Unseats Rep. Ron Klein; Becomes Florida’s 1st Black Republican Congressman Since 1876. In winning, West said: I am not afraid of confronting that enemy – peace through strength, peace through might. We will take this absolutely appalling thing called ObamaCare and we will and we will scrub it – we will start over . . .
“There is no shortage of people telling us what conservatism cannot accomplish, what we can’t do, how we cannot connect, how we must change our values to fit the times,” he began. “Well ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you that is truly a bunch of malarky.”
“The last time I checked, a bended knee is not, nor shall it ever be, a conservative tradition.”
He then steered the address to his own personal experience as a black conservative.
“I’m speaking from experience when I tell you that there is nothing on this green earth that a liberal progressive fears more than a black American who wants a better life and a smaller government,” West said.
West’s speech was peppered with one-liners that stirred the crowd, such as the following call for a strong national defense.
“I’m a conservative because I understand that real peace comes from the Marine Corps, not the Peace Corps,” said the former military officer.
West called for a new generation of Americans to carry the torch for conservatism.
“If there is one constant in our short history, it is that this great republic rises and falls on the backs of generations and giants,” he said. “When they are weak we falter; when they are sturdy we triumph.”
It took West two weeks to concede his loss in November to his Democratic opponent. He is out of the loop/dead as a doornail. I wish, John, you would send the link of the Peace Corps fallen to this Oreo cookie. (Actually, a cookie that’s black on the outside with tea on the inside would be a better fit.)
Can you tell I am really, really pissed?
My good buddy, Judy Corley, died during her Peace Corps service on Christmas Day, 1965. Her extended Catholic family wrote to me in Cameroon to say that they thought she had chosen the Peace Corps for selfish reasons, but since the Lord chose to take her to him on his birthday, they realized the enormous committment she’d made to follow in his path.