Looking for a Scholarly Editor to Help Edit your Book?


Editors Janet Dixon Keller and Katharine Wiegele (Philippines 1988-90) have over 40 years of experience as hands-on developmental editors.

Janet Keller

Janet Keller

Janet’s background includes extended terms as Editor-in-Chief at two international journals (The American Anthropologist and Ethos), three decades in bringing student work to fruition, a term as editor of a University of Illinois Press book series, collaborative grant writing, and team-based production of administrative documents.

RPCV Katharine Wiegele is an author and anthropologist with years of editorial experience with various publications including Politics and the Life SciencesJournal of the American Oil Chemists’ SocietyDaily Illini, and others. Her book, Investing in Miracles: El Shaddai and the Transformation of Popular Catholicism in the Philippines, published in the United States and the Philippines, won a National Book Award in the Philippines (Manilla Critics Circle and National Book Development Board). Katharine is also currently teaching at Northern Illinois University.

Katie Wiegele

Katie Wiegele

Janet and Katharine have extensive experience with both commercial and academic presses in the United States and beyond including University of California Press, Wiley Blackwell, Cambridge University Press, University of Illinois Press, University of Hawaii Press, McGraw Hill Education, and Crawford Publishing, Australia.

If you are ready to share a scholarly or literary contribution or a photographic essay with text and want to hone your vision and put the final polish on your work, we are ready to offer you experienced, thoughtful, and engaged dialogic editing.

Their basic fee for editing is $60.00 per hour. For students or independent scholars whose budgets may be limited we provide the same intensive editing of work and associated benefits for $50.00 per hour.

Check out: www.janetkellerediting.com


Contact Janet at:janetkellerediting@gmail.com



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