Clifford Garstang edits travel story collection
Clifford Garstang (Korea 1976–77), author of the collection of short stories In An Uncharted Country — winner of the 2010 Peace Corps Writers Maria Thomas Fiction Award, and “a novel in stories,” What the Zhang Boys Know — winner of the 2013 Library of Virginia Award for Fiction, is the editor of a newly published book of travel stories, Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet [Press 53]. . Everywhere Stories includes three stories by RPCVs: “A Husband and Wife Are One Satan” set in Kazakhstan was written by Jeff Fearnside (Kazakhstan 2002–04), author of Lake: And Other Poems of Love in a Foreign Land that won the 2012 Peace Corps writers Award for Best Poetry Book; “International Women’s Day” by Jennifer Lucy Martin (Chad 1996-98); and “Eggs” set in set in Central African Republic is by Susi Wyss (Central African Republic 1990–92) who won the 2012 Peace Corps . . .
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Wonderful. Cliff is a wonderful writer and an excellent editor (as those of us familiar with his magazine, Prime Number,…