George Packer to Write Book on Peace Corps CD Richard Holbrooke
The book that Richard C. Holbrooke, former Peace Corps CD in Morocco (1970-72), always wanted to write, the story of his life dealing with international conflicts, will now be written by George Packer (Togo 1982-83). Packer signed a contract with Knopf to “write a book about Mr. Holbrooke’s career and the trajectory of American foreign policy during his time as a diplomat” according to a piece in today’s New York Times. Packer is reported as saying he had “been thinking about it” when a group of Holbrooke’s friends approached Packer and asked him if he had thought of writing a book. Packer says in the Timespiece, “What a life he had, how much ground he had covered, how many crises and big events in American foreign policy he had touched. He had such an outsized life that connected with so many important periods of recent American history.” The book will be released in . . .
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That will be a great book about a great person by a great writer! I'll be waiting for it. Leita…