Review of Answering Kennedy's Call
Answering Kennedy’s Call: Pioneering the Peace Corps in the Philippines Edited by Parker W. Borg, Maureen J. Carroll, Patricia MacDermot Kasdan, Stephen W. Wells (all Philippines (1961-63) A Peace Corps Writers Book $25.00 498 pages March 2011 Reviewed by P. David Searles (CD Philippines 1971-74; Regional Director NANEAP and Deputy Director Peace Corps HQ 1974-76) IF ANY ADDITIONAL PROOF IS NEEDED, the early groups of Peace Corps Volunteers in the Philippines achieved a remarkable level of unit cohesion, as this massive collection of essays shows. In all, 110 of those involved in the first three groups — 96 of whom are returned Volunteers — have joined together to produce a remarkable and historically valuable set of reminiscences focusing on their experiences in the Philippines during 1961–63. The overriding impression one gets from reading them all is that the experience was life altering, life altering in a very positive and long . . .
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Jerry, I did respond to your previous email and to the letter you sent me. The responses were published on…