Archive - April 7, 2010

Seeking French Speakers for Overseas Positions with Peace Corps

Seeking French Speakers for Overseas Positions with Peace Corps

 [A good friend forwarded this announcement that came to his wife’s listserv. (She speaks French; he only knows Amharic!) The announcement was in the newsletter of  Alliance Francaise in Washington, D.C.  I thought some of the ‘French speaking RPCVs’ would want to know about it. [An aside: One nagging complaint that I always have is the Peace Corps agency still continues to not use the article ‘the’ for ‘Peace Corps’….I think it goes back to the Nixon years when the Republicans were attempting to show that they could save money by eliminating articles from proper government names. Not sure about that; just a guess. Aaron, do us all a favor, put the “the” back in THE Peace Corps!] April 5, 2010   Peace Corps is one of the most successful and respected service agencies in the world. Established in 1961 by President Kennedy, nearly 200,000 Volunteers have served in 139 countries since its inception. . . .

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