What Where Those First Peace Corps Projects?

[I received a comment from Leo Cecchini asking what where Those First Projects. Here’s are 5 of the first 9 PC Training programs. PCVs from those early groups might want to respond with personal stories from these groups.]

Chile: Peace Corps Volunteers will assist in programs of community development and rural education as members of development teams of Chile’s Instituto de Educacion Rural. 45 Volunteers, men and women, were requested. Training was four months, two in this country and two in Chile. The U.S. Training took place at the University of Notre Dame, from July 20–September 11, 1961.It was directed by Dr. Walter Langford, Professor of Romance Languages at the University of Notre Dame.

Colombia: Increasing farm productivity, improving village health and eduction, raising rural living standards, and helping Colombia achieve economic and social stability in its rural areas are the goals of this Peace Corps project. 57 Peace Corps Volunteers and 4 Volunteer Leaders, who have guidance responsibilities. Nine weeks of study and training in the United States, followed by another five weeks of study in Colombia. The U.S. Training took place at Rutgers University, from June 25–August 25, 1961. It was directed by Dr. Ralph W. Greenlaw, on temporary leave from his position as Director of Program Development, CARE, Inc.

Ghana: To prepare students for Ghana’s countrywide examination, Volunteers teach according to well-defined syllabuses adapted from the English system of education. All subjects are taught in English which is the national language of Ghana. 51 Peace Corps Volunteers were selected to teach in Ghana’s secondary schools. Volunteers spent nearly two months in the United States and a third month in Ghana. The U.S. Training took place at the University of California at Berkeley, California, from July 3–August 20, 1961. It was directed by Dr. Morton Gordon, Associate Director of University Extension, University of California.

India: Assigned to the Punjab State in northern India, Peace Corps Volunteers will work in an experimental Intensive District Agricultural Program, in village workers’ training centers, in an industrial training centre, and in engineering and agricultural colleges.The first contingent of 25 Volunteers will work in the Punjab. Volunteers trained for 10 weeks in the U.S., and starting in January 1962, train for 6 weeks in India. The U.S. Training took place at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, from October 1-December 8, 1961. It was directed by Dr. Richard H. Bohning, Ohio State’s Assistant Dean, College of Agriculture and Home Economics.

Nigeria: Two Peace Corps projects are scheduled for Nigeria. One will provide teachers to assist in improving the secondary school system; the other will aid in expanding the University of Nigeria at Nsukka. It is expected that by January 1962 approximately 115 Peace Corps Volunteers will be serving in Nigerian educational system. Three U.S. Training Programs were set up. The earliest group started training at Harvard to teach at secondary schools: July 24–September 6, 1961. Dr. John Monro, Dean of Harvard was project director. Michigan State University Training Project was from September 18–November 13, 1961. Dr. Donald Grummon, was project director and accompanied the group overseas. The third group trained at the University of California (UCLA) in Los Angeles from September 20–December 16, 1961. Elwin Svenson, Associate Director, University Extension, was the project director. These three training types of programs represented an experiment approach upon which some future programs will be based.

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