What Kimberly Branam (Burkina Faso) wants for Portland

Prosper Portland’s director is optimistic about the city’s prospects and her agency’s efforts to overcome a troubling past.
It often seems the longer a person has lived in Portland, the more cynical they become about the city’s evolving character and challenges.
Kimberly Branam (Burkina Faso 2002-05) is a third-generation Portlander — she grew up in Northeast Portland’s Irvington neighborhood, left for 10 years and has been back for 16 — but she leans against that curve, with grounded optimism about her hometown.
As the executive director of Prosper Portland, it’s part of Branam’s job to be optimistic. Prosper Portland, formerly the Portland Development Commission, is the city’s economic and urban development agency. With a “focus on building an equitable economy by carrying out a comprehensive range of economic development programs,” Prosper Portland’s success in large part depends on growth: Its stated priorities include growing family-wage jobs, creating vibrant neighborhoods and communities, and advancing opportunities for prosperity.
With growth comes growing pains. Portland has faced not only growing pains but devastating setbacks in recent years: a 30% increase in homelessness since 2019, record-breaking homicide rates and a massive increase in drug overdoses (a trend seen across Oregon, due to an increase in methamphetamine’s potency and also fentanyl usage).
Branam sees these issues right outside of her office, located in Portland’s Old Town. The neighborhood is home to numerous agencies that serve people experiencing homelessness, addiction and mental health crises. Many of the people who rely on those resources live in tents on sidewalks and tucked into unused storefronts.
“It’s been important to us that we stay in Old Town,” says Branam. It’s heartbreaking to so frequently witness people in crisis on the streets, she says. She’s been a witness to Portland’s growing houselessness crisis since she was a child, and remembers asking her dad how they could allow this to happen — for people to not have a home. As an adult, she tries to be mindful of what people without homes are going through.
When Branam goes to work, her team is often talking about the role they can play in helping the people who are struggling the most.
“I think that looks like creating inclusive, vibrant neighborhoods that have homes and employment opportunities for everybody,” she says, before a long pause. “But yeah, it’s really, really heavy.”
As for the vacant storefronts, Branam says the pandemic hit downtown hard. But despite what some popular narratives may claim about businesses fleeing Portland and particularly downtown Portland, Branam says it was really a small number of larger tenants “who left largely during the pandemic with many of their workers moving to remote work.”
Branam’s excited about a new generation of small businesses moving into Old Town. Similar to most cities across the country, Portland is being faced with the significant challenge of reimagining its downtown, with hybrid work having such an impact on occupancy rates and foot traffic.
Prosper Portland is facing that challenge by dedicating significant resources to attracting and supporting businesses that recognize “the history, accessibility and unique identity” of Old Town.
“We’re seeing an unprecedented level of collaboration right now across private, public and community leadership throughout the city, and it’s yielding positive results,” Branam says.
The importance of community has been a throughline in Branam’s career and is something she often brings up in speeches and interviews.
After graduating from Colby College in Maine, where she studied English and anthropology, Branam spent three years–2002-05– in Burkina Faso with the Peace Corps. In a small village without running water or electricity, Branam taught over 100 sixth-graders English and math (in French). Over the summers, she worked at a girls camp with the mission of encouraging young girls to attend high school. Burkina Faso is ranked as the 10th-least literate country in the world, but Branam says she witnessed incredible community cohesion and a strong culture of oral history.
Working there, she says, shaped how she approaches economic development: “I learned that effective solutions are both identified and led by the people who are the intended beneficiaries.”
After her time in the Peace Corps, Branam attended Harvard Kennedy School, where she earned a master’s degree in public policy, with an international focus. She thought she would move to Washington, D.C., after graduating, maybe work in a policy think tank. But then she went home to Portland to attend a wedding, and someone told her about an opportunity to work for then city commissioner Sam Adams. The opportunity to return to Portland — which she knew she wanted to do eventually — was enticing.
So Branam came home, where she got the job as Adams’ senior policy director, and then as his economic development director when he became mayor in 2009. In 2011 she was hired by the PDC as its deputy director and became executive director in 2016.

Prosper Portland’s executive director, Kimberly Branam, in her office in Portland’s Old Town. Photo by Jason E. Kaplan
Branam felt good about sharpening her focus from international policy to economic development in the city she calls home.
“There can be an almost postcolonial, continued power dynamic, doing international development work as an American,” she says, “particularly as a white woman abroad.” But she feels she understands the nuances of what it means to be a Portlander and is “really delighted” to be working in her own backyard again.
For her first project as executive director, Branam worked with community partners to develop the agency’s neighborhood economic development strategy, to center racial equity and prevent displacement. This, she says, would empower people of color and those who have historically “not been at the table” to drive the economic development for their community.
More recently, this community-led approach led to the implementation of the Cully Tax Increment Financing District. In the past, TIF districts have been used for ambitious projects like the Oregon Convention Center and Eastbank Esplanade. The Cully TIF is the first one Portland has implemented in over a decade. And, Branam says, it represents a new model in which local organizers came forward first to “pursue a community-centered tax increment finance district that has, at its heart, racial inclusion, racial equity and stabilization.” Branam says TIF is now being used as a tool to maintain the socioeconomic diversity that is so integral to a community like Cully.
“We’re not just bringing people to the table,” she says. “We’re establishing the table together.”
In 2015 the agency began a five-year strategic plan to rebrand and refocus. One result: In 2017, a year after Branam began working for the agency, the PDC changed its name to Prosper Portland. In a press release announcing the change, the agency said the new name “speaks to the agency’s focus on sharing the gains of economic growth equitably” and was part of a “shift toward more inclusive economic development.”
This puff piece about the Portland Development Commission and its Executive Director has got things backward. Portland isn’t suffering from growth pains, it’s just the opposite. Sadly, the city seems to be in decline, and is loosing population after years of growth. And Covid isn’t the primary culprit as the article implies. It’s the result of many factors, including homelessness, rising crime, gun violence, increasing drug addiction and inadequate mental health services. But probably most importantly, it seems to some of us that the decline is the result of poor leadership and governance. Public vehicles in the city still proudly proclaim . . . “Portland, the City that Works”. That no longer seems to be true. Much of the decline seems to stem from the city’s response to wide spread rioting and civil unrest that followed the murder three years ago of George Floyd, and a history of racial profiling and abuse by.Portland’s police bureau. For many months, protesters were in the streets, confronting city officials and demonstrating their anger and frustration over police behavior both locally and nationally. Eventually, the confrontations became violent and the nightly demonstrations seemed to be taken over by people merely interested in breaking store windows and destroying things. The city leaders’ failure to halt the violence and take control of the streets — while also failing to address the growing homelessness problem — not only resulted in a great deal of physical damage, reflected in boarded up buildings, but also left many businesses with few options but to close and leave town, and dissuaded many local residents from coming into downtown Portland to shop or enjoy our formerly beautiful city. I don’t envy Ms. Branam as she tries turn around the decline, but I sense that the problem is essentially a political one and not likely to be fixed by gimmicks like tax-increment financing.
After Peace Corps service in Ethiopia, I eventually landed in Oregon. I’ve visited Portland frequently in the ensuing fifty years and seen its sad, accelerating decline for the past ten years. David Rahpael’s comments above ring true. Local government has failed to effectively respond to homelessness, drug abuse, and rising crime. It lost control of the streets when it let the Black Lives Matter demonstrations be seized by violent rioters. Kimberly Branem’s tasks are enormous, and it does not appear that the local government has the will to get control of the problems.