To help you pick the 'Winning Writer' here are More facts about this person
To help you pick the ‘winner’ here are a few more facts about this writer.
- This writer has written 19 novels, 17 of which have been New York Times bestsellers
- First novel published received the Mystery Writers of America Edgar award for best original paperback mystery novel of 1978
- Second novel published was made into a HBO movie
- Third novel was sold to 25 foreign publishers and made into a mini-series starring Brooke Shields
- Third novel was also a Main Selection of the Literary Guild
- Four novel was a Book of the Month Club section
- Fifth novel was a Main Selection of the Literary Guild and a Reader’s Digest condense book
- Sixth novel was a Book of the Month Club Section
- Seventh novel was a Main Selection of the Literary Guild, and selected by the Book of the Month Club
- Writer was also awarded a Distinguished Writers Award
- Writer has co-authored a non-fiction book and written a young adult novel.
- Short stories by this writer have appeared in several anthologies, including The Best American Mystery Stories

This is the PCV Writer Site
Now that you’ve said all that, I will also say Phillip Mangolin. The photo looks like Monrovia, Liberia.
It’s Philip Margolin. He is an incredibly remarkable man. What a resume!
And the mystery writer is Philip Margolin whose book I reviewed for Coyne years ago..