The Snugli, happy babies and the Peace Corps

Ann Moore was a pioneer Peace Corps Volunteer, a pediatric nurse who went to  Togo in 1962. She was a member of a Peace Corps medical group which included  doctors, nurses, lab techs, a pharmacist and others. Ann observed the traditional patterns of baby care in Togo. She saw that the babies were always carried by their mothers.  She noted “the outstanding emotional well being of the African infant, either sick or healthy”.

Ann brought home what she learned and created the baby carrier, the Snugli.  Generations of happy babies and parents, the world over, was the result. But, read Ann’s powerful story in her own words. Clink on the statement to which says to “continue reading.”


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  • This is a most marvelous story. Having spent three years in Senegal as a PCV. I marveled at the contentedness of babies on their mothers’ backs, when they weren’t on their fronts. Happy babies! Congratulations on inventing the Snugli and other items that you borrowed from African mothers and are now ubiquitous in the western world. Because of you, whole populations of babies are happier and healthier than ever. Brava!

    Leita Kaldi Davis

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