Peace Corps assessing a return to Cape Verde

Africa-Press – Cape verde.

Peace Corps visiting Cape Verde to assess return to the country


 In response to a formal request from the government, a team of eight members of the US Peace Corps is visiting Cape Verde until February 19, to assess the possibility of re-establishing a program in the country.

According to a note from the Peace Corps, its team should meet with various government institutions, representatives of civil society and Cape Verdean citizens across the country, to assess opportunities for programs in the areas of English language teaching, development youth and environment.

With scheduled visits to the islands of Santiago, São Vicente, Santo Antão, Sal, Maio and Fogo, it also intends to assess living conditions that impact potential Peace Corps volunteers, such as in the areas of health, safety, protection, transport and housing.

“The team’s assessment will play an important role in determining the feasibility of re-establishing a Peace Corps program in Cape Verde, but it is just one aspect of a comprehensive deliberative process”, he indicates, explaining that the pronouncement on the eventual resumption of operations in Cape Verde will entail an extensive evaluation process and the availability of funds.

Peace Corps – Cape Verde

Between 1988 and 2013, 527 Peace Corps volunteers served in Cape Verde, working in the areas of education, youth and community development, HIV/AIDS awareness, and small business development.

The Peace Corps was created in March 1961, by executive order of President John F. Kennedy, with the mission of promoting peace and friendship in the world.

Since then, and only upon invitation from host governments, more than 241,000 Peace Corps volunteers have served in 143 countries, working alongside community partners on locally-regarded priority projects.


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  • John, thank you for the updates of Peace Corps’ rebirth. It is important for the peoples of the host countries, if not the countries themselves, and the world and most importantly for the new generation of our talented, idealistic Americans willing to invest two years of their talents and their lives in the service of humankind by embarking on a journey that will forever change their lives in ways unknown and unpredictable.

    As a volunteer from the early sixties, I burst with joy when I read about our Volunteers of the early twenties. Bless them one and all. Being a Peace Corps Volunteer is still “the toughest job I ever loved.”

    Sixty plus years later, I still talk by telephone each month to Lim Teh Eng my Malaysian housemate, mentor and best friend. Even more important, Miss Fong Moke Chee, the Malaysian art teacher I met at a Malaysian teachers union picnic on Pulau Perhentian, and I will celebrate our sixtieth wedding anniversary this September.
    Jim Wolter, RSVP
    Malaya I, ’61 – ’66

    • Glad to see the ex-Porttugese colony being given a chance to organize an bound in to self help ;as far as those in Paris I have known needing a breath of fresh air eventually being exploited , And as for Miss Parfumado who sang her way to fame and fortune through her political involvement similar to those of Nina Simone !
      Thank you, John
      Judy Hodges Coryelll
      Ethiopia 6, 65-67

  • Hello:

    From the perspective of a former Peace Corps Volunteer in Cape Verde *2001-2002, please consider the following.

    1. Focus on Training of Trainers to more fully support the independence of host country nationals, and move away from
    PC volunteers competing with or replacing host country nationals in the workplace.

    2. Include a viewing and discussion of the documentary, Poverty, Inc., within training. (

    3. Include Cape Verdean government, education, and association leadership more deeply into the development and
    delivery of the volunteer recruitment and training program.

    Thank you and all my love to the wonderful country and people of Cape Verde,

    Dawn Gernhardt
    (* I returned early due to medical issues after seven months.)

  • Je suis caboverdienne, vivant au burkina faso depuis 37 ans et jai été formateur en langue française pour le peace corps au Burkina durant 3 mois de juin à septembre 1997. Ce fut une très belle expérience tant pour moi que les volontaires de vie en communauté. Je venais de quitter l’université et c’était mon premier job sous la supervision de Janice wessel directrice pays et Nanette Barry coordinatrice du camp à Matourkou et le responsable d’apprentissage Mupemba Wa tchiengalé avec la méthode CBT une andragogie qui permet de faciliter l’apprentissage des langues à un adulte.
    J’aimerai partager ce savoir faire avec le cap-vert si jamais le peace Corp revient dans le pays.


  • Ola, bom dia!

    I used to work for the United Nations in Cabo Verde (2010-12), and I was really impressed with the service and dedication of the PCV’s I met there. (Their Crioulo was excellent, also!).

    While I was there, Peace Corps ended its national programs in Cabo Verde and a handful of other countries, I very much hope that they will start up again soon in Cabo Verde, a truly unique nation with a truly unique location. Like most small island developing states, the climate of Cabo Verde is also unique, and I recall that environmental protection was part of the core service of several PCV’s there.

    Best wishes, and I hope that soon there will be good news about Peace Corps’ reopening in Cabo Verde.

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