The Peace Corps Is Ready To ET (If The GOP Has Its Way)


September 26, 2013


This is general guidance in the event of a funding hiatus caused by the absence of current year appropriations, either through failure to pass a regular appropriations bill or a continuing resolution (CR). It will be supplemented by more specific guidance for any specific funding hiatus. For example, the designation of excepted, funded and other employees and use of available funding may vary depending on the circumstances of a specific funding hiatus.

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11, Section 124, Agency Operations in the Absence of Appropriations.

Guidance and information regarding furloughs based on unforeseeable conditions can be found under “Guidance for Shutdown Furloughs” at

OMB Circular A-11 requires agencies to develop and maintain “shutdown plans” for an orderly suspension of agency operations during a funding hiatus. Agency shutdown plans must designate “excepted” and “funded” employees who will be retained to perform “excepted” or “funded” activities and requires the agencies to furlough all other employees.

A. Any lapse in funding is expected to be temporary and of short duration. If the Peace Corps were to suspend its operations overseas during a funding hiatus, the health, safety and security of Volunteers would be at serious and immediate risk. (1)

Furthermore, Volunteers have no means of support without subsistence payments made by the Peace Corps. Therefore, a suspension of overseas operations by the Peace Corps would require the Peace Corps to evacuate all Volunteers and temporarily return them to their homes of record.

1 All references in this plan to Volunteers include Trainees.

It would take between 15 and 30 days to complete the process of evacuating all Volunteers to their homes of record following the beginning of a funding hiatus. During that period, overseas operations would have to continue to protect the health, safety and security of Volunteers before and during the evacuation and provide Volunteers with subsistence payments until the evacuation is complete. It would cost the U.S. government an average of approximately $3,500 per Volunteer for round trip travel alone to evacuate them to their homes of record and then return them to their sites when the funding hiatus ends. This would amount to approximately $29 million for all Volunteers.

In addition to these direct costs, the U.S. government would lose the value of the volunteer services being provided by Volunteers for the duration of the funding hiatus. Volunteers make a commitment to serve for 27 months and it would in most cases not be possible to extend their service to make up for any interruption during a funding hiatus.

It is estimated that the value of this loss of volunteer services would amount to at least $15 million per month. Finally, there would be significant but unquantifiable intangible losses to the U.S. government since much of the good will that Volunteers have built in their assigned communities during their service would be lost if they are sent back to their homes of record.

In contrast, there would be only minimal savings in operating costs, particularly at the outset, if Volunteers were to be evacuated to their homes of record. Until the evacuation of all Volunteers is completed, the agency would not be able to begin to curtail operations overseas that are reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety and security of Volunteers and living allowance and other subsistence payments to Volunteers would continue. Therefore, if, for example, the funding hiatus lasts only 15 days, there would be no savings of operating expenses overseas, but there would be direct costs to the agency of at least $29 million. Even after all Volunteers are evacuated to their homes of record, it would be necessary to keep some operations in place to protect government property.

Given the significant tangible and intangible costs that would be incurred in evacuating all Volunteers to their homes of record and the minimal savings in operating costs overseas that would be achieved by doing so, evacuating Volunteers and returning them to their homes of record would only be justified by a much more substantial lapse in appropriations than the agency expects. The agency has, therefore, determined that the Peace Corps is not required during a lapse in appropriated funding to take any action to evacuate Volunteers and return them to their homes of record.

The Acting Director has determined that all Peace Corps U.S. direct hire and FSN employees overseas are reasonably necessary for the protection of human life and property and, in particular, are required to ensure the health, safety and security of currently serving Volunteers.

To read the complete document of instructions for the Shut Down go to: /Peace_Corps_Operations_Plan_in_the_Absence_of_Appropriations.pdf

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  • I urge everyone to follow John’s link and read the entire document.
    For now, for me, the most important statement is found in the next to last paragraph of the above.

    “The agency has, therefore, determined that the Peace Corps is not required during a lapse in appropriated funding to take any action to evacuate Volunteers and return them to their homes of record.”

    It looks like to me, and I could be wrong, that a government shutdown and a lapse in funding will not impact serving Volunteers for the first 15 days. I couldn’t find where the policy paper specified what further length of time of a lapse in funding would cause ET to begin.

    There will be immediate furloughing for some employees, in the even of a government shut down. Information from the policy statement includes the following: The Peace Corps has 1, 055 employees, consisting of 890 U. S. Direct hire employees (613 at Peace Corps headquarters in Washington D.C., 99 at Regional Recruiting offices in the U.S. and 178 overseas) and 165 foreign service national (FSN) employees (all overseas). Of this
    Group, the number of employees, not otherwise exempt, to be retained to protect life and property is 401, (consisting of 58 at Peace Corps headquarters in Washington D.C. and 343 overseas. See Attachment A.

    The policy statement also discusses how Personal Contract personnel would be impacted.

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