“I Returned” by Jac Conaway (St. Lucia)
A Writer Writes I Returned by Jac Conaway (St. Lucia 1961–63) Republished from PeaceCorpsWriters — 4/3/2004 I returned and it was like this. My son’s mother died suddenly. I hadn’t seen her for 22 years. It was strange to think of her dead or even to think of her as 44 years old. We were kids in so many ways. Now we are “old” and our son is “my” age. Hours after I heard of the Peace Corps I joined, in the spring of 1961. I had just returned from East Pakistan (Bangladesh) where I had my world turned upside down and my eyes opened so wide I couldn’t grasp what I was seeing. In six profound months as a foreign exchange student, I was so astonishingly different that I thought I could never return to my small rural southern farm community. I was wrong about that, but . . .
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Jac and John, Thanks for sharing another interesting Peace Corps story. It leaves me wanting to read more and that's…