Review of Greg Alder’s (Lesotho 2003-06) THE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL
The Mountain School by Greg Alder (Lesotho 2003-06) CreateSpace, $13.00 250 pages 2013 $13.00 (paperback), $5.00 (Kindle) Reviewed by Deidre Swesnik (Mali 1996-98) • If you’ve been to Peace Corps, especially if you have been to Peace Corps in Africa, you know the feeling – the feeling of being dropped off at your site by a white Peace Corps truck. Peace Corps drops you off with your stuff and they drive away. And there you are. Alone. And even if you weren’t in Africa, you will have that feeling at some point on your first day at your new site. Even if you are surrounded by people almost all the time – like I was for most of my service in Mali – you can’t avoid those moments of feeling totally apart. It’s a universal feeling. Greg Alder has mastered portraying those (what I believe to be) universals of the . . .
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Thanks for writing, abuti Lebusa! We sure had a lot of fun, and I continue to remember our time together…