RPCVs of Gulf Coast of Florida hosted World Heritage Festival
Thanks to the ‘heads up’ from Leita Kaldi (Senegal 1993-96)
A note from Leita — The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of the Gulf Coast of Florida hosted World Heritage Festival Saturday, April 28, 2018, at Bayfront Park from 11 am to 3 pm, in partnership with “Embracing Our Differences.” RPCVs showed displays representing the seven regions Peace Corps Volunteers serve in and shared their stories. We had artifacts, sights and music from all over the world. Hundreds of people attended and what a wonderful surprise when students from Manatee School of the Performing Arts and Sarasota School for the Arts and Sciences did cultural dances for us! That spontaneity was so uplifting! All the students that were there contributed so much and worked steadfastly to make sure our event was a success!
You guys are so together. Next time I am in FL, I want to come visit.
Thanks, Nicola Dino
Museum of the Peace Corps experience