Maggie (Wolcott) Nurrenbern (Ecuador) running for state senate
Missouri State Representative Maggie Nurrenbern Launches Campaign
for State Senate District 17
Press Release, February 22, 2023

Maggie Nurrenbern (2007-09)
Today, Missouri State Representative Maggie Nurrenbern, who was elected to represent House District 15 in 2020, is announcing her campaign for State Senate District 17.
“I’ve always been proud to call the Northland home and I know we need leaders who will stand up as a voice of moderation, bring people together and actually achieve results that make a positive difference for our community. That’s exactly what I’ve done as a State Representative, working across the aisle, I’ve worked to deliver real solutions and investments in education, infrastructure and healthcare,” said State Representative Maggie Nurrenbern.
“Now, I’m running for State Senate because as a mom of three, former local public school teacher and dedicated community volunteer, I have a renewed purpose to fight for great public education for every kid in our state, create more economic opportunity, finally expand access to affordable health care and keep our families safe. By working together, I know we can make the
Northland an even better place to live and raise a family.”
As a member of the House Budget Committee, State Representative Nurrenbern’s record of bipartisan accomplishments includes passing $21.8 million toward increasing teacher pay in the career ladder program and ensuring $8.7 million for the safety and security of state schools serving students with disabilities. She’s also helped pass bipartisan plans to boost literacy and fully fund transportation for public schools.
About State Representative Maggie Nurrenbern:
Maggie Nurrenbern is from the Northland and is proud to represent the Northland in the Missouri House of Representatives. As a mom, a teacher, and a union member, Maggie understands how important it is to have legislators who will advocate for hardworking Missouri families.
Maggie is the product of great public education in the state of Missouri. She is a lifelong resident of Clay County, graduating from Smithville High School in 2002. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication – Journalism from Truman State University and a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from UMKC. She is certified to teach Spanish and English Language Learners. After graduating college, she served with her husband Gregg in the Peace Corps in Ecuador for two years working in education and public health. Prior to serving in the legislature, Maggie taught at North Kansas City High School.
Her Peace Corps Years
Brought together by their common interest in social justice issues and working with an organization like the Peace Corps, Gregg and Maggie (Wolcott) made their dreams a reality.
After a few years of friendship, the two began dating in fall 2004. Gregg graduated in May 2005 with his bachelor of science in nursing and continued at Truman another year to earn a business minor and complete his collegiate wrestling career. Maggie graduated early in December 2005 with her bachelor of arts in communication and went on to participate in Truman’s Jefferson City Internship program in spring 2005.
Following their December 2005 engagement, the couple made joining the Peace Corps their priority. In order to be placed in the Peace Corps as a couple, the Nurrenberns knew they would need to wait at least six months after getting married. The two married in October 2006 and by March were invited to serve in Ecuador as public health volunteers. The Nurrenberns left for Ecuador in June 2007.
“We were very fortunate to be placed in Ecuador,” Maggie said. “It is an incredibly gorgeous country, and the people are truly the nicest people I have ever met.”
Gregg and Maggie rented a home in El Chaco while working in the area. Maggie worked mainly as a health and English teacher and involved herself with afterschool tutoring and first-aid classes for firefighters and tourism guides. Together, the two worked on reproductive health education, battling high teenage pregnancy rates.
A typical day in Ecuador involved boiling water for the day’s drinking water and washing clothes on a washboard. In their free time, the two played soccer in the nearby neighborhood field and raised turkeys. All of their food was made from scratch, and without a car, they walked about an hour each day to work and back.
After more than two years in Ecuador, Gregg and Maggie returned to the Kansas City area in August 2009. “What really struck us is that everything is so impersonal,” Maggie said. “We bought a house in October in North Kansas City, and we only know a few of our neighbors. In El Chaco we knew almost everyone in the neighborhood within the first month.”
Maggie said, “We joined the Peace Corps to give of ourselves, but we received so much more than we ever dreamed.”―Amanda Goeser
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