Ron Singer (Nigeria 1964-67) Publishes in Transnational Literature
Ron Singer’s (Nigeria 1964-67) story “Their Countries of Origin” is set in an imaginary central-African dictatorship and appears in the November issue of Transnational Literature, an academic e-journal from Flinders University, Perth, Australia. The theme is the response of American liberals to illiberal regimes around the world. Ron has written seven books and twice been nominated for Pushcart Prizes. His poetry, fiction, satire, journalism and operate (librettos) all can be found at

Ron and his wife Elizabeth Yamin, May 2014
Ron Singer’s 44-year teaching career began with the Peace Corps in Nigeria (1964-67). The author of seven books, Singer ( trawls the genres: poetry, fiction, satire, journalism and opera (librettos). Among the venues where his work has appeared are Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Evergreen Review, The Georgia Review, Grey Sparrow, Poets & Writers, and The Wall Street Journal. Singer’s serial thriller, Geistmann, and his serial farce, The Parents We Deserve, can currently be read at
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