Ron Krannich (Thailand) — Travel Writer, Career Adviser & Publisher

Ron Krannich
RONALD L. KRANNICH, Ph.D.(Thailand 1967) is one of today’s leading career transition and travel writers who has authored more than 100 books, including several self-help guides for people with difficult backgrounds. A Fulbright Scholar, university professor, and management trainer, Ron specializes in producing and distributing books, DVDs, training programs, and related materials on employment, career transition, addiction, anger management, criminal justice, life skills, and travel.
Originally from Pekin, Illinois, Ron stumbled into the world of travel and international development based on one fateful decision in 1965 — he signed up for a newly offered foreign language as an undergraduate at Northern Illinois University — Thai. This became the classic “be careful what you wish for” experience.
The rest is history as he completed his Thai language work at Cornell University and joined the Peace Corps, taught in a high school; completed a Ph.D. in Political Science with emphasis on Southeast Asia and local government; became a Fulbright Scholar and a university professor; left higher education with the publication of his ultimate swan song, Moving Out of Education, finished several research and development projects abroad, and founded Impact Publications in 1982, a niche publishing firm focused on career- and travel-related publications. Today, Impact primarily specializes in military transition and ex-offender re-entry resources. Thailand and Southeast Asia still remain Ron’s second homes as he usually revisits there every other year.
Highlights of Ron’s writing career include 4+ million copies of a military transition guide (The Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide), which is given to 250,000 departing servicemembers each year (the project is now in its 17th year) and a high-end international shopping series (primarily focused on arts, antiques, jewelry, and fashion) on over 25 countries, from China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Australia, and India to Turkey, Yemen, Egypt, France, Italy, Bermuda, Mexico, and Brazil. “This has been the therapeutic ying and yang of writing — from helping people find jobs and change careers to assisting others in discovering the treasures and pleasures of traveling and shopping abroad.” But this was more than just your garden-variety of travel writing.

At an RPCV Book Club in Maryland
While living in northern Virginia, Ron built a uniquely designed house around a 700-piece Asian and African art collection, which was driven by his travel series. Featured in The New York Times and on CNN Travel, the house and collection survived nearly 30 years.
“After my wife passed away in 2008 and I remarried in 2013, the ‘museum’ was first to go in the process of moving to Savannah. I’m now in the final stages of dispensing with the art collection as I move on to other non-collectible pleasures in life. We still haven’t downsized, and I don’t see that happening for some time. We like our space and enjoy hosting large parties in one of the most scenic places in The Landings.”
Ron is usually working on three books simultaneously along with several articles. So far this year he has revised books on military spouse employment, job seekers with not-so-hot backgrounds, and ex-offender re-entry strategies. He’s currently finishing volumes on employment barriers, interview skills, savannah travel, and great water destinations while completing new career and travel websites.
Locally he serves as PR/communications chair for the Rotary Club Skidaway Island and The Hamiltons.
Independent writing/publishing has been a fun and rewarding career for Ron, which he manages to continue to this day. “Despite major changes in the publishing business — from paper to electronic — prisons are still primarily a paper market since they are surrounded by a huge firewall that keeps the Internet and cell phones at bay.” As for retirement, it’s very slow in coming, if at all. “I’m really not into retirement since I’m not sure what I would be retiring from or to. After all, I’m a writer with lots of flexibility. Being a naturally curious person who loves learning, my writing has been good for both my soul and mind. With keyboard in hand, I’m aging both gratefully and gracefully!”
Ron’s most memorable and life-changing experience relates to prison. In 2004 he was asked to give a presentation on employment strategies to inmates preparing to exit the state prison system via the Maryland Correctional Training Center in Hagerstown, Maryland. Thirty minutes into the presentation Ron took ill. Staff immediately called 911, and Ron was rushed to the local hospital (some say it was the fastest anyone has been exited that facility!) where it was determined he was having a heart attack. He was immediately medevaced to Washington Hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.
The timing was excellent and treatment included inserting a coronary stent and a lifetime of heart healthy medications and lifestyle changes.
In the end, going to prison literally saved his life. Had he been at home rather than in prison surrounded by observant people and trained medical personnel, he probably would have laid down and died! Because of this experience, Ron has been in a “payback mode” for 15 years with prisons and ex-offenders.
His company, Impact Publications, is the center for hundreds of ex-offender re-entry resources, including everything from employment to anger and rage management, addiction, and recovery training products.
“Writing and publishing have been very rewarding adventures. Not only did my prison experience save my life, I get to work with hundreds of people who are in the business of reducing recidivism and repairing broken lives.”
Career Development and Job Search
- 99 Days to Re-Entry Success Journal
- 101 Dynamite Answers to Interview Questions
- 201 Dynamite Job Search Letters
- Almanac of International Jobs and Employers
- America’s Top 100 Jobs for People Without a Four-Year Degree
- America’s Top Internet Job Sites
- America’s Top Jobs for Re-Entering the Workforce
- The Anger Management Pocket Guide
- Best Jobs for the 21st Century
- Best Jobs for. Ex-Offenders
- Best Resumes and CVs for International Jobs
- Best Resumes and Letters for Ex-Offenders
- Blue Collar Resumes and Cover Letters
- Careering and Re-Careering for the 1990s
- Change Your Job, Change Your Life
- The Complete Guide to International Jobs and Careers
- The Complete Guide to Public Employment
- Discover the Best Jobs for You
- The Directory of Federal Jobs and Employers
- The Directory of Websites for International Employers
- Dynamite Answers to Interview Questions
- Dynamite Networking for Dynamite Jobs
- Dynamite Salary Negotiations
- Dynamite Tele-Search
- The Educator’s Guide to Alternative Jobs and Careers
- The Ex-Offender’s 30/30 Job Solution
- The Ex-Offender’s Job Hunting GuidB
- The Ex-Offender’s New Job Finding and. Survival Guide
- The Ex-Offender’s Quick Job Finding Guide
- The Ex-Offender’s Re-Entry Assistance Directory
- The Ex-Offender’s Re-Entry Success Guide
- Find a Federal Job Fast!
- Get a Raise in 7 Days
- Give Me More Money!
- Haldane’s Best Cover Letters for Professionals
- Haldane’s Best Resumes for Professionals
- High Impact Resumes and Letters
- I Can’t Believe They Asked Me That!
- I Want to Do Something Else, But I’m Not Sure What It Is
- International Jobs Directory
- Job Hunting Guide: Transitioning From College to Careers
- Job Hunting Tips for People With Hot and Not-So-Hot Backgrounds
- Job Interview Tips for Overcoming Red Flags
- Job Interview Tips for People With Not-So-Hot Backgrounds
- Job Search Letters That Get Results!
- Jobs and Careers With Nonprofit Organizations
- Jobs for Travel Lovers
- Moving Out of Education
- Moving Out of Government
- Nail the Cover Letter!
- Nail the Job Interview!
- Nail the Resume!
- No One Will Hire Me!
- Overcoming Barriers to Employment
- Overcoming Employment Barriers
- The Quick 30/30 Job Solution
- The Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide
- Re-Careering in Turbulent Times
- The Re-Entry Employment and Life Skills Pocket Guide
- The Re-Entry Personal Finance Pocket Guide
- The Re-Entry Start-Up Pocket Guide
- Re-Imagining Life on the Outside Pocket Guide
- Resume, Application, and Letter Tips for People With Hot and Not-So-Hot Backgrounds
- Salary Negotiation Tips for Professionals
- Savvy Interviewing: The Nonverbal Advantage
- The Savvy Networker
- Savvy Resume Writing
- You Should Hire Me!
- Win the Interview, Win the Job
Military Transition
- From Air Force Blue to Corporate Gray
- From Army Green to Corporate Gray
- From Navy Blue to Corporate Gray
- The Military Family Benefits Pocket Guide
- The Military Family Education Pocket Guide
- The Military Personal Finance Pocket Guide
- The Military Spouse’s Employment Pocket Guide
- The Military Spouse’s Map Through the Maze Pocket Guide
- Military Transition to Civilian Success
- Miltary-to-Ciivilan Resumes and Letters
- Military-to-Civilian Success for Veterans and Their Families
- Military Resumes and Cover Letters
- The Military to Civilian Transition Guide
- The Military-to-Civilian Transition Pocket Guide
- Shopping and Traveling in Exotic Asia
- Shopping in Exciting Australia and Papua New Guinea
- Shopping in Exotic Places
- Shopping the Exotic South Pacific
- Travel Planning on the Internet
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Australia
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Bermuda
- The Treasures and Pleasures of the Caribbean
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman, and Yemen
- The Treasures and Pleasures of China
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Egypt
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Hong Kong
- The Treasures and Pleasures of India
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Indonesia
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Italy
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Malaysia and Singapore
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Mexico
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Paris and the French Riviera
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Rio and Sao Paulo
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Singapore
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Singapore and Bali
- The Treasures and. Pleasures of Thailand and Myanmar
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Turkey
- The Treasures and Pleasures of Vietnam and Cambodia
- Mayors and Managers in Thailand
- The Politics of Family Planning in Thailand
Ron – Your life’s narrative, besides being fascinating, is instructive: pursue possibilities (for you, as a 60s era PCV with the Thai that you had studied in college); see challenges as opportunities; recognize that creativity takes many forms; and live a balanced life of giving and receiving. Best wishes for more of the same, and for even a crescendo.