Report from Congress on post service disability benefits

Nancy Tongue (RPCV Chile) is a tireless advocate for RPCVs who have had service contacted medical problems and who have had difficulty receiving the help to which they are entitled. She founded Health Justice for Volunteers Nancy’s group is an associative group of the National Peace Corps Association. The group is working with both the NPCA and Peace Corps to create better solutions for RPCVs. Nancy has updated the work of her organization in an email and also attached the report from the GAO on post service disability benefits.

From Nancy’s email message:letter-from-nancy-tongue

“The Senate Foreign Relations Office has just posted the findings from their recent GAO report analyzing the difference between the benefits from the USDOL vs: what employees of the State Department receive.
You will see that it was noted that they did not conduct actuarial analysis, which was what was needed in order to really understand if another plan/service would be better. We welcome your comments on the attached report. The SFRC will be reaching out to actuarial folks for more in-depth analysis.
Additionally, I want to let everyone know that the NPCA has been working with us and with their greater community to look at ways in which they can better support those who have become sick or injured. We would like to receive your input about ways in which you think that they can better assist people like us. Some ideas are recruiting local RPCVS across the country to accompany us to medical appointments, help with our paperwork, serve as emotional support and such. Please send us any ideas you have ASAP!”
Here is Nancy Tongue email address, copy and paste to send your ideas to:

To Read the report, here is the text to link to: 20151030-gao-workes-com-feca-vs-dba-1

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