Novelist David C. Edmonds (Chile 1963-65) Wins Two Book Awards
Lily of Peru published by Peace Corps Writers books and written by David C. Edmonds (Chile 1963-65) recently won two awards. It was selected in second place in the category of Latino Theme Movie by Non-Latino Author. These awards are sponsored by Latino Literacy Now and were presented in 16 key categories during the 2015 Los Angeles Latino Book & Family Festival. Copies of all winning books will be presented to key television networks and movie studios.
The novel also won the silver in the Readers’ Favorite International Book Award-Silver in the category of Thriller/Terrorist. Readers’ Favorite has become the fastest growing book review and award contest site on the Internet. More than 300 authors and guests attended the awards ceremony in Miami this year.

David (center) flanked by wife Maria and Master of Ceremony, Eddie Price.
Congratulations. Keep on truckin’ to all PC and RPCV pencil musicians and cheers to you John and Marian for keeping us all informed. Ed