No Peace Corps Staff or PCVs to be ETed Because of Sequester

Peace Corps HQ
The Peace Corps Agency is not planning any furloughs for the FY2013 year, and they are now working so as not to furlough anyone in FY 2014 if the Sequester has its full effect on the government.
That said, they are looking at ways to “cut back on headquarters staff” either through extended lapses in staffing or hiring freezes. At this time there are no expected staff reductions in the field in either FY 2013 or FY 2014 (i.e. all staff reductions will be taken at HQ).
There are also no plans to reduce the total number of PCVs currently overseas. In 2014, however, they might have to cut 200-300 Volunteer positions if the sequester isn’t resolved.
This is good news. It would certainly tend to confirm Lorenzo and your contention that HQ is way overstaffed. This is also is another reason to hope that Carrie Hessler-Radelet is appointed permanent director so that her policies can be continued.
I used the email address on the White House website to urge her appointment. There was no response.