Meet Senator Harris Wofford at New York Public Library on January 13, 2016
On January 13th at the New York Public Library (5:45 pm) there will be an evening to celebrate Harris Wofford. Harris helped Sargent Shriver start the Peace Corps and organized the Ethiopia program, serving as Peace Corps Director for Sub-Saharan Africa. He later become a U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and was president of two colleges, an advisor to President Kennedy and to Martin Luther King. On the evening of January 13th, he’ll be interviewed live by George Stephanopoulos and we will see an exclusive preview from the upcoming documentary on Harris’s life, including his return to Ann Arbor 50 years after John Kennedy’s 2 am speech where he first proposed the Peace Corps.
This event is being organized to raise the funding needed to complete the documentary by Harris’s 90th birthday next April. It normally costs $150 to attend; however, a limited number of $50 tickets are available here: RSVP today. Act fast.
This film is being directed and produced by Jacob Finkel. In 2008, as a high school senior, Finkel founded the non-profit Corporation for Civic Documentaries (CCD) to create documentary films on worthy public leaders who would inspire his peers to engage in civic affairs. Jacob’s experience with political videography began in 2004, and he has since worked for more than a dozen candidates at the local, state, and federal levels to spread their message through videos for the Internet and television. CCD’s Board of Directors includes Pennsylvania civic and non-profit leaders, private sector entrepreneurs, the former publisher of Science Magazine, and a South African democracy advocate who also serves as a Trustee of the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Since graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 2012, Jacob Finkel has led CCD in the development of its upcoming documentary film on Harris Wofford.
- Harris with JFK on the White House Lawn with First PCVs to Ethiopia, and several other Peace Corps countries, all in training that summer of ’62 in D.C.

Harris and Clare Wofford Meeting Emperor Haile Selassie at the Palace, Christmas '62
I would like to contact Senator Wooford as our lives are parallel on a personal level. How can I find an address, email etc.