Katie Rotramel (Nicaragua) joins RD team of Grand Challenges Program / U of Md

KATIE ROTRAMEL Project Manager
Katie Rotramel (Nicaragua 2002-04) joined the Research Development team in early 2024 as the Project Manager of the Grand Challenges Program at the University of Maryland.
Prior to coming to UMD, Katie served as the Director of Institutional Giving for the Humane Rescue Alliance (DC) and St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center (NJ), where she had ample opportunity to thoroughly understand grant proposals and reporting processes for a large variety of funders. Her project management skills were essential in managing a DC catering business for five years, as well as a decade working in the international development field.
She kicked off that career through Peace Corps service in Nicaragua and then spent another eight years as a Program Officer for several international nonprofit organizations and the Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA).
A Philadelphia native, Katie received her B.A. in Environmental Policy and Spanish from Albright College and has lived in the DC area for about twenty years.
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