John Garamendi inspires Peter Yarrow to write The Children Are Listening (Ethiopia)
Inspired by a speech by Rep. John Garamendi (Ethiopia 1966-68) Peter Yarrow wrote a song entitled, “The Children Are Listening” with his friend Kevin Salem producing. The graphic is entitled, “Campaign for Civility” and was designed by the legendary designer, Milton Glaser.

Peter Yarrow
Peter writes, “Operation Respect’s CEO and President, Molly McCloskey, has created a link on the Operation Respect website that includes a 6 minute version of Garamendi’s speech, and has sent out 60 emails to various educational allies who are leaders of various educational organizations.”
Operation Respect is NOT connected to any political advocacy, party or political agenda. It is a 501(c)3.
The link to John Garamendi’s 6 minute video speech to the House of Representatives is:
And listen to Peter’s song here:
Wonderful and touching song. Way to go Peter.