Fall RPCV Writers Workshop — Sign Up!


Fall RPCV Writers Workshop

Are you writing a novel, a memoir, a scholarly essay, poems, and/or short stories? Whether what you’re working on is about the Peace Corps or not, you are invited to the Second Peace Corps Writers Workshop this October on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.

The Workshop—open to a maximum of 15 RPCV writers—will be held from Thursday, October 5, to Sunday, October 7, at Shore Retreats on Broad Creek. The cost ranges from $100 to $500, depending on the applicant’s economic circumstances, and includes shared living quarters and most meals.

If interested, please contact Matt Losak (Lesotho 1985-87) at: tokamaphepa@aol.com.

The Workshop, organized by Peace Corps Worldwide and supported by the Peace Corps Fund, will be led by Mark Brazaitis (Guatemala 1991-93), an English professor at West Virginia University, where he directs the Creative Writing Program and the West Virginia Writers’ Workshop. The author of eight books, including The River of Lost Voices: Stories from Guatemala, Mark wrote the script for the award-winning Peace Corps film How Far Are You Willing to Go to Make a Difference? His stories, poems, and essays have appeared in The Sun, Ploughshares, Witness, Guernica, Michigan Quarterly Review, Beloit Fiction Journal, Glamour, USA Today, and elsewhere. Two other accomplished RPCV writers to be announced will join Mark on the faculty.

Mark Brazaitis (Guatemala 1991-93)

For questions about how the Workshop will be run, please email Mark at  mbrazait@wvu.edu

The Workshop will include a publishing panel in which participants will learn the do’s and don’ts of the business side of the craft. Bring your questions about agents, editors, literary journals, and anything else related to publishing your work.

The setting is gorgeous, and the company will be lively, supportive, and stimulating. Sign up now!



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  • I attended the first Peace Corps Writers workshop in September, 2019, in that magnificent autumnal setting! And, yes, it was amazing!

    I am forever grateful for the opportunity to join with other RPCVs to explore our interests and commitments. John Coyne and Matt Losak were excellent organizers and hosts. The food was exquisite and abundant! And John and Matt guided us through the workshop activities with expertise and good humor too!

    We participants shared experiences and insights that allowed for wonderful teaching-learning exchanges that were both meaningful and significant.

    I especially appreciate the guidance I received from Mark Brazaitis (Guatemala 1991-93). Mark is an excellent teacher and writer, who encouraged us to “write on!” Mark’s wisdom and gentle presence provided the impetus for me to complete my book (published in November 2023): YET TO BE REVEALED: FINDING PATHS TO MEANING.

    Geri Marr Burdman
    RPCV Bolivia (1962-1964)

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