Early Peace Corps Bibliography: March 1961 to March 1965

Early Peace Corps Bibliography

March 1961-March 1965

Books & Pamphlets

An International Peace Corps: The Promise and Problems, by Samuel P. Hayes (Public Affairs Institute, 1961) $1.00.

Breaking the Bonds: A Novel About the Peace Corps, by Sharon Spencer (Tempo Books, Grosset & Dunlap, 1963) $.50. Also available in hardcover.

Complete Peace Corps Guide, by Ray Hoopes, with an introduction by R. Sargent Shriver (Dial Press, 1961) $3.50.

Hidden Force, by Francis W. Godwin, Richard N. Goodwin and William F. Haddad, with a foreword by R. Sargent Shriver (Harper & Row, 1963) $3.95.

Letters From the Peace Corps, Editor Iris Luce (David McKay Co. 1964) $2.95.

New Frontiers for American Youth: Perspective on the Peace Corps, by Maurice L. Albertson, Andrew E. Rice and Pauline E. Birky (Public Affairs Press, 1961) $4.50.

Peace Corps, by Glenn D. Kittler, with an introduction by R. Sargent Shriver (Paperback Library, 1963) $.50.

Peace Corps, by Pauline Madow (H.W. Wilson, Co. 1964) $3.00.

Peace Corps in Action, by Velma Adams (Follett Publishing Co., 1964) $5.95.

Peace Corps Girls: A Play in Three Acts, by David Rogers (Dramatic Publishing Co. 1962) $1.00.

Peace Corps: Who, How and Where, by Charles E. Wingenbach, with a foreword by Hubert H. Humphrey (John Day Co. 1963) $2.50.

Peace Corps: Who, How and Where, by Charles E. Wingenbach, revised edition, (McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1965) $.95.

Point of the Lance, by R. Sargent Shriver (Harper & Row 1964) $4.95.

Sargent Shriver: A Candid Portrait by Robert A. Liston (Farrar, Straus & Co. 1964) $4.50.

Story of the Peace Corps, by George Sullivan, with an introduction by R. Sargent Shriver (Fleet Publishing Corps. 1964) $3.50.

U.S. Peace Corps: The Challenge of Good Will, by Susan Whittlesey (Coward-McCann, 1963) $2.95.

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