

To have short works considered for publication. If you are a PCV, RPCV, or past or current member of Peace Corps staff and  you have a story, letter, poem, article, song — any type of short piece — that you think might be appropriate for publication on Peace Corps Worldwide, contact us at

Please include with your submission

  •  a brief description of your piece or proposal for a piece,
  • include your name, phone number and country and years of Peace Corps service,
  • all submissions must be electronic,
  • decisions on actual publication of an article will be made once the piece has been received and reviewed,
  • you will be notified if your submission is accepted.


To have  the publication of your new book announced in the monthly posting of “New Books by Peace Corps Writers” (RPCVs, PCVs and PC staff only), please send the following to


  • full title (+ sub-title of the book if there is one),
  • your name as it appears on the cover and copyright page (and real name if you are using a pseudonym),
  • your Peace Corps country and years of service,
  • co-authors, illustrators, etc.,
  • publisher,
  • month and year of publication,
  • number of pages,
  • format(s) — paperback, hard cover, Kindle, ebook,
  • price (s) of book,
  • ISBN (or ASIN) number,
  • How book can be purchased if not available at Amazon,
  • If your book relates the Peace Corps experience — memoir, fiction, poetry, etc. — please let us know.
    If so we will also list it in our “Bibliography of Peace Corps Experience Books.”
  • A one sentence description of the book that should make readers want to read it and reviewers want to review it.

Your book will not be listed unless all the above information is provided.


To have a book CONSIDERED for review:
We are primarily interested in reviewing the following types of books: any genre that is Peace Corps related, as well as literary and poetry. We do not review academic books, and books that that have not been well edited.

If interested, write: for my mailing address, and send:

  • a copy of your book,
  • a one-sentence “selling line” to describe the book that will make a reviewer want to review it,
  • your mailing address,
  • email address,
  • phone number, and
  • country and years of Peace Corps service

A word of caution — we do not guarantee that your book will receive a positive review. Prior to publishing the review, we will send it to you if you request. If  you are not happy with the review, we will not make alterations to it, we will simply not publish it, not publish any other review of it, and make no mention of the book on the site.

Copyright © 2022. Peace Corps Worldwide.