“Climate Change & Wildlife Crime” — Jessica Kahler (Vanuatu) on ZOOM 1/27
Two of the greatest threats to biodiversity and sustainable development are climate change and wildlife crime. It has recently become apparent that these two threats are interrelated in complex ways with implications for human and wildlife security. However, the mechanisms driving these complex interactions are not well understood because the relevant bodies of literature are largely disparate. To address this gap, we propose a new conceptual framework for understanding complex interactions between climate change and wildlife crime that explicitly draws on climate change research in criminology, geography, sociology, and wildlife conservation.

Jessica Kahler
Jessica Kahler (Vanuatu 2004-07) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law at the University of Florida, and affiliate faculty for the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research, Center for African Studies, and the Tropical Conservation and Development Program. Prior to joining the university Dr. Kahler consulted on the Wildlife Crime Initiative under the World Wildlife Fund-US, and served in the US Peace Corps in the Republic of Vanuatu. She received her PhD and MS in the human-dimensions of fisheries and wildlife from Michigan State University and a BA in anthropology and a BS in natural resources management from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on the application of conservation criminology to human-wildlife conflicts, wildlife poaching, illegal trade and trafficking, community-based responses to environmental crime, and situational wildlife crime prevention primarily within southern Africa and Southeast Asia.
All are welcome to attend.
Speaker: Dr. Jessica Kahler (Vanuatu 2004-07) Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law
University of Florida
Thursday, January 27, 2022; 2:50-3:50 PM (Period 8)
Turlington Hall 3018, University of Florida
and Zoom
For more information, email Dr. Jane Southworth at jsouthwo@ufl.edu
What incredible talent and insight. Thank you for the post.
Enjoyed our chat across the aisle. Your subject is one with which I can deeply resonate. I’ll keep looking for a way to read your stuff. Someday, maybe I’ll publish and you can read mine. Meanwhile, thank you for your work and may it continue to go well.
Bob Splittgerber