Phoebe Cohen (Mongolia) | Guest Writer for Huffington Post
RPCV in the news — By Phoebe Cohen Aug 7, 2024, 07:56 AM EDT Phoebe Cohen (Mongolia 2005-07) has walked many paths in life including living in the Gobi Desert as a Peace Corps Volunteer and working as a paramedic in several states. Cohen’s work has been featured in Graphic Medicine, Mutha Magazine, and BorderX. She regularly posts on her website Merry Misandrist. Cohen is a part-time cartoonist, writer and nursing student. She has been known to go up to five hours without coffee. . . . As a paramedic, I treated women who had illegal abortions. Here’s a dangerous truth JD Vance isn’t going to like.”The nurse and Exchange a glance. We know the probable reason why our patient stuck part of a vacuum cleaner up into her vagina.” It’s 2015. I’m working as an inter-facility paramedic. Currently, I’m standing in a small rural clinic in a large conservative state. . . .
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Joanne Roll
It is so important to document the tragic experiences that women have when reproductive rights are not protected or not…