Archive - August 9, 2024

Emily Brandt (Armenia) | Program Manager for CEPA
Phoebe Cohen (Mongolia) | Guest Writer for Huffington Post

Emily Brandt (Armenia) | Program Manager for CEPA

RPCVs in the news —   Emily Brandt (Armenia 2013-15) is the Program Manager for Business Development at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy institution based in Washington DC. Prior to joining CEPA, Emily held similar business development and fundraising roles of progressive responsibility at various local organizations, IREX, and Freedom House, mostly focusing on civil society, democracy, rights, and governance programs in Europe and Eurasia. She also worked for Peace Corps for six years (2013-20), including two years as a volunteer in Armenia. She is the founder of the Peace Corps Virtual Recruitment team. Emily holds a PhD in Public Policy and Administration from the University of Texas at Arlington, and a Master’s Degree in International Studies with a focus on Eastern Europe from the University of North Texas.   .    

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Phoebe Cohen (Mongolia) | Guest Writer for Huffington Post

RPCV in the news — By Phoebe Cohen Aug 7, 2024, 07:56 AM EDT   Phoebe Cohen (Mongolia 2005-07) has walked many paths in life including living in the Gobi Desert as a Peace Corps Volunteer and working as a paramedic in several states. Cohen’s work has been featured in Graphic Medicine, Mutha Magazine, and BorderX. She regularly posts on her website Merry Misandrist. Cohen is a part-time cartoonist, writer and nursing student. She has been known to go up to five hours without coffee.  . . .  As a paramedic, I treated women who had illegal abortions. Here’s a dangerous truth JD Vance isn’t going to like.”The nurse and Exchange a glance. We know the probable reason why our patient stuck part of a vacuum cleaner up into her vagina.”   It’s 2015. I’m working as an inter-facility paramedic. Currently, I’m standing in a small rural clinic in a large conservative state. . . .

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