Ask Not….


The New York newspapers, as well as other papers, and cable news stations, have been spinning stories on “what happened with Caroline?” Did she or didn’t she want to be the next senator from New York? Why did she bail at the last moment just when her number was about to be called by Governor Paterson, or was she edged off stage by Paterson’s people?

The governor certainly has suffered from the ineptness of his senatorial decision-making.

Well, now right-winger, Blue Dog Democrat, Iraq war supporter, friend of Al D’Amato, daughter of a GOP lobbyist Kirsten Gilibrand, is the new senator-designate from New York – a woman who supports all “right-leaning” positions on gay marriage, immigration and gun rights, will take over Hillary’s seat.

But what about the Camelot’s kid, the last of our royal family, early supporter of President Obama, a woman who never spoke up in politics, but did do so for Barach and rallied the Kennedy clan early in his campaign.

Caroline has been out of sight since the governor picked Rep. Gillibrand as the junior senator, but what about our President giving Caroline more than a political appointment, what about giving her an agency that is worth of her name and passion. The job of Peace Corps Director.

No one else comes to mind that could bring the spotlight back to our agency. She could recruit for Volunteers on any campus of America, be given time on any news station, and walking the halls of Congress and rally the congressional votes to increase both the numbers and budget of the Peace Corps.

Not a bad idea.

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