A Great Shriver RPCV Story!
Thanks for the ‘heads up’ from Jim Wolter (Malaysia 1961–66) . . .
We also celebrate, Bob Hoyle (Philippines 1962-63), another RPCV life well-lived. One of the stories Bob loved to tell about Sarge Shriver was of the time Sarge was Ambassador to France and Bob was working with Palestinian Refugees (an emotionally draining experience). Bob was courting a woman (not his eventual wife Karen) working in London.

Photo by Rowland Sherman (ca. 1962),
Bob and she decided to meet in Paris for a long weekend. Bob saved to take her to the best restaurant in Paris (I don’t recall the name). During lunch, Sarge and his entourage entered and Bob, wanting to impress his date, said, “There’s Ambassador Shriver.”
She said something to the effect, “It couldn’t be. How do you know?” He told her, “I know it’s him. I met him when he came to visit Peace Corps Volunteers in the Philippines. He actually came to my house.”
Well, she still didn’t believe him.
When she went to the lady’s room, Bob went to Sarge’s table, excused the interruption, introduced himself as an RPCV. Sarge was interested in what Bob was doing currently. Bob described his work and that he was trying to impress his date. Sarge agreed to acknowledge Bob when his date returned.
Well, she returned and Bob tried but couldn’t get Sarge’s attention. Bob felt like a fool and thought he shouldn’t have bothered Sarge, but then while he and his date were making their way out of the restaurant he heard,
“Bob. Bob Hoyle, remember me, Sarge Shriver? We met while you were in the Peace Corps in the Philippines.”
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