Another ‘Shout Out’ For You To Sign The Ambassador Stevens Petition

Tino Calabia (Peru 1963-65), who rallied all of us in support of honoring  Ambassador Christopher Stevens, sent me a note about our collective efforts to reach 1000 signatures. He pointed out that we have currently 959 signatures and suggested we rally our friends from the Peace Corps–after the encouraging words today from the Peace Corps Acting Director–to sign this petition and reach 1,000 names before the end of the year, if not before the end of this week!

Tino also suggested that we ask Acting Director of the Peace Corps, Carrie Hessler-Radelet, to invite Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to join us at the Peace Corps dedication ceremony regardless of Secretary Clinton’s official government status in May 2013.chris_friend11

These are great ideas.

So, go to this page and sign our RPCV petition, and if you have already signed it, thank you and please forward the request to other RPCVs and Peace Corps staff from your host country.

The petition appears when you click on:

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