Phoebe Cohen (Mongolia) | Guest Writer for Huffington Post

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Phoebe Cohen (Mongolia 2005-07) has walked many paths in life including living in the Gobi Desert as a Peace Corps Volunteer and working as a paramedic in several states. Cohen’s work has been featured in Graphic Medicine, Mutha Magazine, and BorderX. She regularly posts on her website Merry Misandrist. Cohen is a part-time cartoonist, writer and nursing student. She has been known to go up to five hours without coffee.

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Phoebe Cohen (Mongolia 2005–07)

As a paramedic, I treated women who had illegal abortions. Here’s a dangerous truth JD Vance isn’t going to like.”The nurse and Exchange a glance. We know the probable reason why our patient stuck part of a vacuum cleaner up into her vagina.”


It’s 2015. I’m working as an inter-facility paramedic. Currently, I’m standing in a small rural clinic in a large conservative state. I’m receiving a report from an RN about a woman who we are preparing to transport to a Level 1 trauma center.


When the EMT and I arrived earlier, the nurse had greeted us briskly.


“Female patient with a uterine prolapse,” she said. “We think the uterine wall has been perforated.”


I wince internally. My EMT, a 19-year-old guy who only just got certified last month, looks a little puzzled. I explain to him that a uterine prolapse means that the uterus has descended into the vagina. It’s pretty common, especially for older women. Far less common is the fact that my patient’s uterus has also apparently been torn.



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  • Well written and timely article. Kudos to Phoebe for the good work and contributions she’s making for the well-being of the country.

    • Also, Replying to Kay Dixon as well as George Brose: There is no legal power which could force political candidates or officials to “ride shotgun” for a week. There is also the question of EMTs who must treat emergency patients. protect patients medical privacy, and perhaps don’t want “visitors!

  • Well spoken. Thank you for reporting your incredible experience. Agree with the previous responses… ride shotgun with you for one week, then the candidates can evaluate their positions.

  • The key is:
    -how do we arm the Texas legislators who are pro-choice with this information
    -how do we get this information ℹ️ n front of thr Texas legislators who are antiabortion?

    Terrific narrative which needs a wide audience
    Thanks to John Coyne for publishing it

  • It is so important to document the tragic experiences that women have when reproductive rights are not protected or not available. If such accounts, even as powerfully written as Phoebe Cohen’s, could change hearts, then abortion would have been universally legal and available, long ago.

    Women are not specifically mentioned in the US Constitution except for the 19th Amendment. Therefore, women have the same civil rights as men. Men don’t need abortion and so there is no civil right to abortion. The Supreme Court has ruled that the abortion decision is to be determined by the states. Women and men in many states are bypassing the state lelgislatures to put aboution rights on the ballots for the upcoming state elections. I think that is the only way to solve the problem.

    National; laws banning abortion or restoring Roe would not pass Consitutional muster, I think. The answer is in changing state constitutions.

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