Archive - October 26, 2024

The Peace Corps—Our Story Alone To Write
Human Rights Watch Mourns Middle East Expert RPCV Joe Stork. (Turkey)

The Peace Corps—Our Story Alone To Write

During the 1950s, two societal impulses swept across America. One impulse that characterized the decade was detailed in two best-selling books of the era: the 1955 novel by Sloan Wilson, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, and the non-fiction book, The Organization Man, written by William H. Whyte and published in 1956. These books looked at the “American way of life” and how men got ahead in their work and in society. Both are bleak takes on the corporate world. These books were underscored by Ayn Rand’s ideas as expressed in the novel Atlas Shrugged, published in 1957. Her philosophy of Objectivism proposed reason as man’s only proper judge of values and his only proper guide to action. Every man, according to Rand, was an end in himself. He must work for rational self-interest, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. Objectivism rejected any form of . . .

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Human Rights Watch Mourns Middle East Expert RPCV Joe Stork. (Turkey)

Human Rights Watch Mourns Middle East Expert Joe Stork Human Rights Watch 26th October 2024, Joe Stork, a beloved mentor and friend to human rights activists across the Middle East and a treasured colleague whose career at Human Rights Watch spanned more than three decades, died unexpectedly on October 23, 2024, at his home in Washington, DC. He was 81. Stork, who joined Human Rights Watch in 1996 as the Middle East and North Africa Division’s advocacy director and later became the division’s deputy director, played a pivotal role in shaping the division into what it is today. One of his first assignments with Human Rights Watch was to document rampant abuses in Bahrain, a country on which he continued to do research and advocacy for decades. “Anyone who had the pleasure of crossing paths with Joe will remember him not just for his brilliant mind and shrewd advocacy, but . . .

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