Up Close with RPCV Mark Ford (Chad)
Up Close with RPCV Mark Ford John ThomasonOctober 18, 2024 Mark Ford at Paradise Palms, photo by Aaron Bristol For the past 11 years, Mark Ford has been building his personal Eden in western Delray Beach. Situated on secluded Half Mile Road, the 20 accessible acres of Paradise Palms contain 600 species of palm trees among more than 2,000 different specimens, organized in their own mini-biomes, from rainforest to desert. Visitors wend their way through countless palms—exotic plants from New Guinea, Borneo, Thailand, Australia—and toward burbling fountains, a meditation garden framed by the creaking sway of bamboo, a koi pond and a hedge maze that’s so byzantine that visitors have reportedly lost themselves within it. There’s a children’s play area, an Asian tearoom, a yoga house, and a private residence with pool, hammocks and fire pit. Sculptures from Central and North American artists dot the property in strategic spots—metal and . . .
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On his eclectic blog (MarkFord.net), Mark Ford offers copious advice to Trump on how to win the current election, self-identifies…