Archive - September 16, 2024

Peace Corps Billikens!

Peace Corps Billikens!

  RPCVs From St. Louis University “Billikens” by John Coyne   Two of the very first Peace Corps Volunteers in 1961 went to my college, St. Louis University: Robrrt Burns graduated in ’59 and went to Pakistan in ’61. Peter McDonough, who graduate in ’61, also went to Pakistan in the fall of ’61. They were among very first 50 PCVs to serve. In the fall of 1961, the Peace Corps had 12,644 applications, and 913 went to training. Nearly one in five (18%) did not finish training. An additional one in ten (10%) would not complete two years of service. This is the lowest worldwide attrition rate ever recorded. (26%). Three-quarters of those who reported for training completed two years of service. The average Volunteer age was 24.5 years. Bob Burns (East Pakistan 1961—63) Bob Burns of St. Louis U. was first assigned to Tanzania I in July 1961. . . .

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