Archive - May 17, 2024

2024 Peace Corps Writers Awards
“Families — Four Stories” by Kathy Coskran (Ethiopia)

2024 Peace Corps Writers Awards

To fulfill our goal of encouraging, recognizing and promoting Peace Corps writers, Writers & Readers is seeking nominations for the outstanding books published in 2023. If you have a book published (or know of a book) published in 2023 that you wish to nominate, please email John Coyne at: .The Awards will be announced in August, 2024. The awards are: 2024 Peace Corps Writer of the Year Award 2024 Peace Corps Writers Maria Thomas Fiction Award 2024 Peace Corps Writers Paul Cowan Non-fictionAward 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Moritz Thomsen Peace Corps Experience Award 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Marian Haley Beil Best Book Review Award 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Rowland Scherman Award for Best Photography Book 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Peace Corps Memoir 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Poetry Award 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Short Story Collection Award 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Young Adult Fiction Award 2024 Peace Corps . . .

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“Families — Four Stories” by Kathy Coskran (Ethiopia)

  Families — Four Stories by Kathy Coskran (Ethiopia 1965-67)   Families are complicated. We all have them, somewhere, somehow. Families are formed in many ways, none are perfect, all are heartfelt—and the heart feels pain as well as joy, anxiety as well as comfort, gratitude as well as resentment. There is no one way to portray a family; no idealized family; no perfect family. So these little stories offer snapshots of the idiosyncratic joys and complications of families.     Pearl   The earrings were all she took from her mother’s meager estate and now she had lost one. They were a wedding present from her father to her mother, tiny, perfect pearls set in gold and glued to an earring clip. She wore the earrings almost daily when she was a child. They were the central ornament in her dress-up fantasies, a gift from the king, she would proclaim . . .

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