2024 Peace Corps Writers Awards

To fulfill our goal of encouraging, recognizing and promoting Peace Corps writers, Writers & Readers is seeking nominations for the outstanding books published in 2023.

If you have a book published (or know of a book) published in 2023 that you wish to nominate, please email John Coyne at: jcoyneone@gmail.com .The Awards will be announced in August, 2024.

The awards are:

  • 2024 Peace Corps Writer of the Year Award
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers Maria Thomas Fiction Award
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers Paul Cowan Non-fictionAward
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Moritz Thomsen Peace Corps Experience Award
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Marian Haley Beil Best Book Review Award
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Rowland Scherman Award for Best Photography Book
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Peace Corps Memoir
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Poetry Award
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Short Story Collection Award
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Young Adult Fiction Award
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Children’s Book about a Peace Corps Country
  • 2024 Peace Corps Writers Special Book Award
  • 2024 Best Travel Writing



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  • I nominate Geri Marr Burdman’s book “Yet to be Revealed for the Special Book Award


    • Agree. Her books are thought provoking and enlightening as we move through the seasons of our life.

  • I’d like to recommend Fran Palmeri, Bouquet of Days, which was reviewed here a while ago. She’s a renown naturalist, writer and photographer, too humble to look for awards, but vastly deserves them.

    Thanks, John and Marion.

    Leita Kaldi Davis
    RPCVGulf Coast FL

  • I’d like to nominate myself, Eric Madeen (Gabon 1981-83), for PCW Marian Haley Beil Best Book Review Award for my review of “The Showgirl and the Writer” by Marnie Mueller.

  • I’d warmly recommend RPCV Steve Kaffen’s magnificent “Escape to Alaska” for Best Travel Writing.

    –Tino Calabia (PCV, Peru 1963-65)

  • Thank you, Tino. That’s very kind of you, and especially meaningful coming from a fine writer like yourself.

  • I definitely think that, at the least, Steve Kaffen should be awarded the Prize for Best Travel Writing for the Alaska book. But I’m also wondering what the category for Special Book Award involves. Is it possible to give that to him for his entire oeuvre of Travel Books? It is absolutely amazing to witness his prodigious accomplishment of bringing the entire world to all of us through his photography, narratives, insights, and sense of adventure. He definitely deserves to be honored in a “special” way.

    • I’m humbled by such comments from someone who writes with such depth and emotional sincerity. As John is aware, I nominated you for the non-fiction book award and also for writer of the year for your book supplemented by your outreach of lectures, interviews, etc. to tell the story.

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